


Read the text below and answer the following question!

Smokers Can Be Affected by Covid-19

    Millions of people in the world are grouped as active smokers. Research said that people start smoking because of peer pressure, psychological problems, and weight problems. However, they only get away from their problems for a short time. Moreover, it will cause them other serious problems.

    Smoking may cause serious respiratory problems such as bronchitis, mouth cancer or lung cancer. A cigarette is enough to make your breath smell badly and make your teeth yellow. Psychologically, smoking may cause lack of concentration that can affect your social life. Moreover, nicotine in a cigarette is the most additive substance. It is reported that cigarettes kill more people than car accident or criminal actions.

    From the reasons above, we can conclude that smoking is a bad habit that does not give us any advantages. Smoking is one bad habit that we must avoid. Also in this situation Covid-19.

What is the most dangerous of smoking for?

What is the most dangerous of smoking for?

  1. The active smokers, which affect to their body.

  2. The passive smokers, though they don't smoke.

  3. The active and passive smokers, both of them.

  4. The persons who work at cigarettes company.

  5. The active and passive smokers and the persons who work at cigarettes company.


N. Puspita

Master Teacher

Jawaban terverifikasi


jawaban yang paling tepat adalah A.

jawaban yang paling tepat adalah A.




Soal ini menanyakan: kepada siapakah merokok paling berbahaya? Dalam paragraf 1 tertulis: " Millions of people in the world are grouped as active smokers. " Dari kalimat tersebut dapat kita simpulkan bahwa teks hanya membahas tentang perokok aktif . Dalam paragraf 2 dipaparkan dampak yang diakibatkan oleh rokok terhadap tubuh seorang perokok. Oleh karena itu, jawaban yang paling tepat adalah A.

Soal ini menanyakan: kepada siapakah merokok paling berbahaya?

Dalam paragraf 1 tertulis: "Millions of people in the world are grouped as active smokers." Dari kalimat tersebut dapat kita simpulkan bahwa teks hanya membahas tentang perokok aktif. Dalam paragraf 2 dipaparkan dampak yang diakibatkan oleh rokok terhadap tubuh seorang perokok.

Oleh karena itu, jawaban yang paling tepat adalah A.

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Pertanyaan serupa

Smoking in the restaurants must be avoided because ...



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