On the Children's Day in 2020, a technology company treated more than 200 underprivileged children to a "high-teach'. They were given training on information technology.
The company wanted to provide opportunities for these children to learn more about the internet and the latest technology. They wanted help the less fortunate in the community.
That day the children had an enjoyable and educational experience. They were exposed to the new technology for the first time, and they were very interested. The company hoped to conduct many more such training session for these children. They felt that the skills the children had would be useful to them when they grew up
At the end of the day, the company donated money to several charitable organizations. Then, it also granted scholarship for many smart students.
Adapted from: K. Too, Primary English Cloze Passages, Singapore, Postkid.com.Pte. Ltd.2002
What is the main idea of the third paragraph?
The participants had enjoyable and educational experience
The participants were exposed to the new technology for the first time.
The company would conduct many more such training sessions for the participant
The participants felt that the skills they had received would be useful in the feature
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