


Read the text below and answer the following question!

    Once upon a time, there lived a rich family in West Java. Her name was Nyi Mas Inten. She was very rich, yet very stingy. She would not share her belongings with others, even to the poor. She was cruel, too. She even yelled and even hit those who borrowed her money, but didn't pay it on time.

    One day an old beggar dropped at her house. He asked for some food. Nyi Mas Inten quickly told him to go away. The beggar said that he was so hungry and just wanted a little rice. Nyi Mas Inten got so angry that she threw a pail of water to get rid of the beggar.

    The beggar sadly left the house. He went to the villagers and told them to evacuate themselves to the upper hills because something terrible would happen. The villagers took his words. They evacuated all their belongings to the nearest hills.

    Suddenly, the well in Nyi Mas Inten's house spouted water. The spot got bigger and bigger and finally flooded the area. The area now is called Situ Bagendit. Situ means lake, while Bagendit means stingy.

What is the main idea of the second paragraph?

What is the main idea of the second paragraph?

  1. Nyi Mas Inten treated the beggar cruelly.

  2. A beggar dropped at Niy Mas Inten's house.

  3. Nyi Mas Inten got very angry to the old beggar.

  4. The beggar was very hungry and wanted a little rice.


N. Puspita

Master Teacher

Jawaban terverifikasi


jawaban yang paling tepat adalah A.

jawaban yang paling tepat adalah A.




Soal ini meminta kita menentukan ide utama paragraf 2. Dalam paragraf 2, teks tersebut menggambarkan bagaimana Nyi Mas Inten memperlakukan si pengemis ketika dia datang ke rumahnya dan meminta sedikit beras. Pada teks dikatakan: " Nyi Mas Inten quickly told him to go away " yang berarti dia langsung mengusir pengemis tersebut dan " she threw a pail of water " yang berarti dia menyiramkan seember air kepada si pengemis untuk mengusirnya. Dari informasi tersebut dapat kita simpulkan bahwa Nyi Mas Inten memperlakukan pengemis itu dengan kejam . Oleh karena itu, jawaban yang paling tepat adalah A.

Soal ini meminta kita menentukan ide utama paragraf 2.

Dalam paragraf 2, teks tersebut menggambarkan bagaimana Nyi Mas Inten memperlakukan si pengemis ketika dia datang ke rumahnya dan meminta sedikit beras. Pada teks dikatakan: "Nyi Mas Inten quickly told him to go away" yang berarti dia langsung mengusir pengemis tersebut dan "she threw a pail of water" yang berarti dia menyiramkan seember air kepada si pengemis untuk mengusirnya. Dari informasi tersebut dapat kita simpulkan bahwa Nyi Mas Inten memperlakukan pengemis itu dengan kejam.

Oleh karena itu, jawaban yang paling tepat adalah A.

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Pertanyaan serupa

What is the main idea in paragraph 2?



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