


The following text is for questions 24 to 27.

Dear Principals,

    The Education for The Future Consulting, in association with the Bandung Education Bureau, would like to invite all Bandung High Schools to join "The Education for the Future Campaign." We are all concerned about education for the future generation. All schools are encouraged to join the campaign. It is very easy to take part.

    Please display enclosed the posters in the classrooms. We do hope they will motivate students to continue their education after high school.

    The campaign is very important because of the large number of drop-outs. The National Statistics Bureau says the higher a person's education, the more income he or she can expect. A person with a high school certificate only earns Rp800,000 a year. However, those who finish their higher education degree can earn Rp5,000,000 a year. It is a significant gap. So it is important for students to stay in school if they want to earn more money.

    Thank you for your cooperation. Future generations rely on us.

With best wishes,

Suhendra Margita

What is the function of the posters?

What is the function of the posters?

  1. To raise money for the campaign.

  2. To promote the consulting service.

  3. To introduce the program of the Education Bureau.

  4. To motivate students to get a higher education degree.

  5. To show the difference between high school and university graduates.


N. Puspita

Master Teacher

Jawaban terverifikasi


jawaban yang benar adalah D.

jawaban yang benar adalah D.




Pada soal tersebut, yang ditanyakan adalah fungsi dari poster yang ditampilkan. Jawaban dari pertanyaan tersebut dapat ditemukan di kalimat kedua paragraf kedua yang berbunyi " We do hope they will motivate students to continue their education after high school ." Apabila diterjemahkan, kalimat tersebut berbunyi "Kami berharap poster tersebut akan memotivasi siswa untuk melanjutkan pendidikan setelah SMA ." Jadi, jawaban yang benar adalah D.

Pada soal tersebut, yang ditanyakan adalah fungsi dari poster yang ditampilkan.

Jawaban dari pertanyaan tersebut dapat ditemukan di kalimat kedua paragraf kedua yang berbunyi "We do hope they will motivate students to continue their education after high school." Apabila diterjemahkan, kalimat tersebut berbunyi "Kami berharap poster tersebut akan memotivasi siswa untuk melanjutkan pendidikan setelah SMA."

Jadi, jawaban yang benar adalah D.

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Fajar Nanda Wirana

Bantu banget



Pertanyaan serupa

What will happen in the closing ceremony?



Jawaban terverifikasi


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