


Read the following text!

It has been inspiring working with you, John, and your Online Student's Organization agenda.

I wonder how you make yourselves stay and respond promptly to any questions or concerns.

Keep being a good for us.


What is Rheyna's intention to send the card?

What is Rheyna's intention to send the card?

  1. To promote John to be the student's organization leader.

  2. To congratulate John for joining the student's organization program.

  3. To praise John for being a responsible leader of the student's organization.

  4. To wonder John for being a good friend.


D. Entry

Master Teacher

Jawaban terverifikasi


jawaban yang tepatadalah C. to praise John for being a responsible leader of the student's organization .

jawaban yang tepat adalah C. to praise John for being a responsible leader of the student's organization.




Kalimat pertanyaan "What is Rheyna's intention to send the card?" berarti "Apa tujuan Rheyna menulis kartu ucapan tersebut?" Berdasarkan isi kartu ucapan tersebut dapat diketahui bahwa John adalah orang yang bertanggung jawab dan selalu siap membantu ketika ia berada di Student's Organization (It has been inspiring working with you, John, and your Online Student's Organization agenda. I wonder how you make yourselves stay and respond promptly to any questions or concerns) . Oleh karena itu, Rheyna menulis kartu ucapan ini untuk memujinya (To praise John for being a responsible leader of the student's organization). Jadi, jawaban yang tepatadalah C. to praise John for being a responsible leader of the student's organization .

Kalimat pertanyaan "What is Rheyna's intention to send the card?" berarti "Apa tujuan Rheyna menulis kartu ucapan tersebut?"

Berdasarkan isi kartu ucapan tersebut dapat diketahui bahwa John adalah orang yang bertanggung jawab dan selalu siap membantu ketika ia berada di Student's Organization (It has been inspiring working with you, John, and your Online Student's Organization agenda. I wonder how you make yourselves stay and respond promptly to any questions or concerns). Oleh karena itu, Rheyna menulis kartu ucapan ini untuk memujinya (To praise John for being a responsible leader of the student's organization).

Jadi, jawaban yang tepat adalah C. to praise John for being a responsible leader of the student's organization.

Perdalam pemahamanmu bersama Master Teacher
di sesi Live Teaching, GRATIS!




Pertanyaan serupa

The purpose of the text above is ____.



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