


The following dialog is for questions 17 to 20.

Mr. Edgar Good afternoon, Mrs. Yunita.

Mrs. Yunita: Good afternoon.

Mr. Edgar: First of all, I want to congratulate you on your new position as the Director of Robotic Development Department of this company.

Mrs. Yunita: Thank you.

Mr. Edgar: How was your feeling, Ma'am, when the President Director appointed you to this position?

Mrs. Yunita: I was honored, I mean I am honored. I felt happy, shy, a little bit anxious, and could not believe what I heard.

Mr. Edgar: I'm sorry, but did you just say 'shy'?

Mrs. Yunita: Yes, shy because all the audience in the room looked at me. They congratulated me and gave a big round of applause. Can you imagine· that? And I was a little bit anxious that I won't lead the department well in the future. But I'm still optimist that we, Robotic Development Department, will achieve our goals.

Mr. Edgar: Then, what is your plan to achieve those goals, Ma'am?

Mrs. Yunita: To optimize the development of our company, the department will also focus on new inventions of robotic features. We will improve our robotic. technology. Several research based on customers' needs have also been conducted recently to help us improve our quality.

Mr. Edgar: May I know what research the department has been doing lately? .

Mrs. Yunita: WelL It is still the secret of my company, but let me ask you. Are you busy lately that you don't have time to do chores?

Mr. Edgar: I am. That is the problems of many people today.

Mrs. Yunita: Yes, you are right. Hiring household assistants or butlers that can do all the chores as we want them to is quite difficult, right? We have to mind their salaries beside our own expenses.

Mr. Edgar Yes, that is what we are facing today. Wait, don't? you tell me what you've been working on?

Mrs. Yunita: Sure.

What is Mrs. Yunita's duty?

What is Mrs. Yunita's duty?


N. Supriyaningsih

Master Teacher

Jawaban terverifikasi


jawaban yang tepat adalah pilihan E.

jawaban yang tepat adalah pilihan E.



Percakapan di atas adalah percakapan antaraMr. Edgar dan Mrs. Yunita. Mereka membicarakan tentang posisi baru dari Mrs. Yunita yaitu sebagai " the Director of Robotic Development Department" atau direktur departemen pengembangan robot. Sebagai seorang direktur, Mrs. Yunita memiliki tugas untuk memimpin timnya agar dapat mencapai target yang sudah direncanakan. Dengan demikian, jawaban yang tepat adalah pilihan E.

Percakapan di atas adalah percakapan antara Mr. Edgar dan Mrs. Yunita. Mereka membicarakan tentang posisi baru dari Mrs. Yunita yaitu sebagai "the Director of Robotic Development Department" atau direktur departemen pengembangan robot. Sebagai seorang direktur, Mrs. Yunita memiliki tugas untuk memimpin timnya agar dapat mencapai target yang sudah direncanakan. 

Dengan demikian, jawaban yang tepat adalah pilihan E.

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Pertanyaan serupa

Look at the following card! Why does Jimmy congratulate Mrs. Anggi?



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