
The following text is for question 35 to 37.

One rainy autumn, a traveler got lost in the mountains of Arkansas. He was tired and hungry, and so was his horse. Night was approaching. All at once, he saw a cabin. A squatter sat on the porch fiddling the same tune over and over
The traveler asked the squatter for food for himself and his horse. The squatter replied, "Ain't got a thing in the house."
The traveler asked where the next house was. The squatter said, "Dunno. I ain't never been there."
The frustrated traveler asked if he could spend the night. The squatter replied, "House leaks. My wife and me sleep on the only dry spot."
"Why don't you mend the roof?" asked the traveler.
"Can't mend the roof on a rainy day."
The whole time, the squatter continued to fiddle the same tune, over and over
The traveler snapped, "Why don't you finish that tune?"
"Can't get the tum of the tune."
The traveler took the fiddle, played the turn of the tune and finished it.
"Stranger," said the squatter, "Grab yourself a chair and set down. Sal, cut a hunk outta that deer and cook it. Son, get the warm beverage and put the horse in the shed. You jest play away, stranger. Tonight, you can sleep on the dry spot!"

Adapted from: (August 15, 2019)

What happened after the traveler had played the melody?

What happened after the traveler had played the melody?

  1. The traveler gave gold to the squatter's family.

  2. The squatter showed the way to the next house.

  3. The squatter welcomed the traveler.

  4. The traveler got supplies for his journey.

  5. The squatter met the traveler's family.

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R. Rani

Master Teacher

Jawaban terverifikasi


Soal di atas menanyakan apa yang terjadi selanjutnya setelah si pengelana memainkan musik ( What happened after the traveler had played the melody? ). Dari wacana tersebut dapat diketahui bahwa akhirnya si pemilik rumah mempersilakan si pengelana untuk bermalam di rumahnya. Sehingga, the squatter welcomed the traveler merupakan jawaban yang tepat. Maka, jawaban yang benar adalah C.

Soal di atas menanyakan apa yang terjadi selanjutnya setelah si pengelana memainkan musik (What happened after the traveler had played the melody?). Dari wacana tersebut dapat diketahui bahwa akhirnya si pemilik rumah mempersilakan si pengelana untuk bermalam di rumahnya. 

Sehingga, the squatter welcomed the traveler merupakan jawaban yang tepat.

Maka, jawaban yang benar adalah C.

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