


Read the texts carefully and choose the correct answers.

The following text is for questions 10 to 15.

    It was a fine morning. Anisah went to school early as usual. She wore her batik shirt and a dark blue skirt. As she was walking slowly along the sidewalk, some people were walking there, too. Some cars and motorcycles were moving along the street. There were not many vehicles on the street. Maybe that was why the cars and motorcycles were whisking fast.

    Anisah stopped by the zebra crossing and waited for the traffic lights to turn red. After sometime, the light turned red. Anisah walked slowly across the zebra crossing. To her surprise, a motorcycle suddenly appeared from the right side of a car. There was no time for the rider to brake. The motorcycle grazed her. The people who saw the accident cried in horror. Anisah fell to the ground and fainted. The rider was injured too. Soon people gathered around the two victims. Some helped Anisah and the rider.

What grazed Anisah?

What grazed Anisah?

  1. A car.

  2. A bus.

  3. A truck.

  4. A motorcycle.


N. Rizky

Master Teacher

Mahasiswa/Alumni Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang

Jawaban terverifikasi


jawaban yang benar adalah D. A motorcycle .

jawaban yang benar adalah D. A motorcycle.



Jawaban yang benar adalah D. A motorcycle . Perintah dari soal tersebut adalah menjawab pertanyaan berdasarkan teks. Makna dari kalimat soal adalah "Apa yang menyerempet Anisah?". Informasi tersebut ada pada paragraf ke dua di kalimat "The motorcycle grazed her." artinya "Sepeda motormenyerempetnya." Dari kalimat tersebut, diketahui yang menyerempet Anisah adalah sepeda motor (a motorcycle). Jadi, jawaban yang benar adalah D. A motorcycle .

Jawaban yang benar adalah D. A motorcycle.

Perintah dari soal tersebut adalah menjawab pertanyaan berdasarkan teks. Makna dari kalimat soal adalah "Apa yang menyerempet Anisah?".

Informasi tersebut ada pada paragraf ke dua di kalimat "The motorcycle grazed her." artinya "Sepeda motor menyerempetnya."

Dari kalimat tersebut, diketahui yang menyerempet Anisah adalah sepeda motor (a motorcycle).

Jadi, jawaban yang benar adalah D. A motorcycle.

Perdalam pemahamanmu bersama Master Teacher
di sesi Live Teaching, GRATIS!




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