
Practice the following dialogue! Then answer the questions!

Jodhi: Have you ever seen hippos?

Arya: Yes, I have. Hippos don't use much energy. 

Jodhi: That's right. They spend most of their time resting or slowly moving in the water. However, they can live on land and in water. To stay cool, hippos usually spend most of their day in rivers and lakes.

Arya: I know that. Their sweat helps protect their skin from drying out, too.

Jodhi: Right. Hippos are herbivores. They usually forage for food at night. They mostly eat grass.

Arya: How do they live?

Jodhi: They usually live in groups of around 10 to 20 individuals.

Arya: How about their baby?

Jodhi: Female hippos give birth every two years, usually to a single calf. Soon after birth, the mother and the baby join up with others for protection.

Arya: Wow, you know much about hippos.

What do hippos usually do to cool their body?

What do hippos usually do to cool their body?

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A. Acfreelance

Master Teacher

Jawaban terverifikasi


jawaban yang tepat adalah " To cool their body, hippos usually spend most of their day in rivers and lakes".

jawaban yang tepat adalah "To cool their body, hippos usually spend most of their day in rivers and lakes".


Soal di atas menanyakan tentang apa yang dilakukan badak ketika ingin mendinginkan suhu badannya. Untuk menjawab pertanyaan ini, kita dapat merujuk ke pernyataan yand diucapkan oleh Jodhi, yaitu To stay cool, hippos usually spend most of their day in rivers and lakes yang artinya Untuk mendinginkan suhu badannya, badak biasanya menghabiskan waktunya berendam di sungai ataupun danau. Oleh karena itu, jawaban yang tepat adalah " To cool their body, hippos usually spend most of their day in rivers and lakes".

Soal di atas menanyakan tentang apa yang dilakukan badak ketika ingin mendinginkan suhu badannya. Untuk menjawab pertanyaan ini, kita dapat merujuk ke pernyataan yand diucapkan oleh Jodhi, yaitu To stay cool, hippos usually spend most of their day in rivers and lakes yang artinya Untuk mendinginkan suhu badannya, badak biasanya menghabiskan waktunya berendam di sungai ataupun danau.

Oleh karena itu, jawaban yang tepat adalah "To cool their body, hippos usually spend most of their day in rivers and lakes".

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