


WHAT DO ANTS LOOK LIKE? Ants are small insects. Like all insects, ants have six legs. The smallest ants are 0,7 millimeters long. Therefore they are hard to see. The biggest ants are almost 1 inch (3 centimeters) long. Ant’s body seems to have a very thin waist. The narrow waist lets the ant bend when it goes around turns in underground tunnels. Make ants and young queen ants have wings. The workers of many species of ants have a stinger for fighting against enemies. An ant has a mouth with three parts. The most important part is jaws. The jaws can be used for carrying things, collecting food, building nests, fighting, and cutting. Ants use their lower jaws for chewing and their tongues for sucking up liquids. Adult ants can swallow only liquid foods, but some ants can chew solid foods by making the foods into liquid forms. What is the text about?


                Ants are small insects. Like all insects, ants have six legs. The smallest ants are 0,7 millimeters long. Therefore they are hard to see. The biggest ants are almost 1 inch (3 centimeters) long.

                Ant’s body seems to have a very thin waist. The narrow waist lets the ant bend when it goes around turns in underground tunnels. Make ants and young queen ants have wings. The workers of many species of ants have a stinger for fighting against enemies.

                An ant has a mouth with three parts. The most important part is jaws. The jaws can be used for carrying things, collecting food, building nests, fighting, and cutting. Ants use their lower jaws for chewing and their tongues for sucking up liquids.

                Adult ants can swallow only liquid foods, but some ants can chew solid foods by making the foods into liquid forms.

What is the text about?

  1. Physical appearance of ants

  2. The way to differ ants

  3. How ants grow

  4. Ant habits


N. Supriyaningsih

Master Teacher

Jawaban terverifikasi



Teks di atas membahas tentang karakteristik dari semut, yaitu serangga yang memiliki 6 kaki, dan memiliki ukuran yang sangat kecil, sekitar 0,7 milimeter hingga 3 cm. Semut memiliki pinggang yang kecil, dan mulutnya memiliki tiga bagian. Berdasarkan informasi tersebut dapat diketahui bahwa teks tersebut membahas tentang (A) ‘Physical appearance of ants’ atau ‘penampilan fisik semut’

Teks di atas membahas tentang karakteristik dari semut, yaitu serangga yang memiliki 6 kaki, dan memiliki ukuran yang sangat kecil, sekitar 0,7 milimeter hingga 3 cm. Semut memiliki pinggang yang kecil, dan mulutnya memiliki tiga bagian. Berdasarkan informasi tersebut dapat diketahui bahwa teks tersebut membahas tentang (A) ‘Physical appearance of ants’ atau ‘penampilan fisik semut’

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