


The Football Match

    My brother and I went to a football match yesterday. Our school team was playing against  another High School team. Our team wore red and white shirts, white shorts, and red stockings. The other team wore orange and black shirts, orange shorts, and black stockings. “They look  like bees“, my brother said, and we laughed.

    They played like bees too. They ran very fast, attacked very hard, and passed the ball  to each other very fast. Soon they scored their first goal. My brother and I shouted and shouted, “Come on, Valley School! Come on, the Valleys!” Our headmaster was near us and he was shouting too. He seemed very enthusiastic. However, the high school scored another goal. We were very sad.

    Then, one of the “bees” stopped the ball with one of his hands, so our team got the free kick. Our captain took it and scored a goal. We shouted, “Hooray!” The score was now 2:1. That was better.

    Now our team began to play better—or the “bees” were getting tired. Our team scored another goal before half time. In the second half of the match, both teams tried very hard, but neither scored, so at the end the score was still two all.

Adapted from: L.A. Hill, 1963

What did the writer and his brother do after the rival team scored the first goal?

What did the writer and his brother do after the rival team scored the first goal?

  1. They shouted to support their school team.

  2. They shouted to the headmaster.

  3. They laughed at their school team.

  4. They ran very fast.

  5. They played like bees.


H. Qisthi

Master Teacher

Mahasiswa/Alumni Universitas Indraprasta PGRI

Jawaban terverifikasi


jawaban yang benar adalah A.

jawaban yang benar adalah A.



Pertanyaan di atas diterjemahkan menjadi "Apa yang dilakukan penulis dan kakaknya setelah tim lawan mencetak gol pertama?" Pada teks terdapat pernyataan " Soon they scored their first goal. My brother and I shouted and shouted,“Come on, Valley School! Come on, the Valleys! ” yang artinya "Segera mereka mencetak gol pertama mereka. Saya dan kakaksaya berteriak dan berteriak, “Ayo, Sekolah Valleys ! Ayo, Valleys !” Berdasarkan pernyataan tersebut maka kita ketahui yang dilakukan penulis dan kakaknya setelah tim lawan mencetak gol adalah mereka berteriak untuk mendukung tim sekolah mereka ( They shouted to support their school team ). Jadi, jawaban yang benar adalah A.

Pertanyaan di atas diterjemahkan menjadi "Apa yang dilakukan penulis dan kakaknya setelah tim lawan mencetak gol pertama?"

Pada teks terdapat pernyataan "Soon they scored their first goal. My brother and I shouted and shouted, “Come on, Valley School! Come on, the Valleys!” yang artinya "Segera mereka mencetak gol pertama mereka. Saya dan kakak saya berteriak dan berteriak, “Ayo, Sekolah Valleys! Ayo, Valleys!”

Berdasarkan pernyataan tersebut maka kita ketahui yang dilakukan penulis dan kakaknya setelah tim lawan mencetak gol adalah mereka berteriak untuk mendukung tim sekolah mereka (They shouted to support their school team).

Jadi, jawaban yang benar adalah A.

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Pertanyaan serupa

Which statement is true according to the text ?



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