
Read text for question no. 9-11!

Jogja, 20 September 2013
To : Ivone Jl.Wirapati no. 15 Indramayu – West Java

    Dear Ivone, By this letter I am proud to tell you about some changes in my life that I have done so far. I have just finished my computer class in Pioneer College. I have taken the course since July last year, and I have learnt about office program for ten months. Now, I am able to operate computer quite well. And I plan to take English course next month. I will take it in EnglishFirst in my town.

    Well, Ivone. That is all what I want to tell you about my changes in my life. Please, tell me about your progress that you have done so far in turn. I’ll wait for your letter.

Wish me luck, Fani

What did Fani tell Ivone about?

What did Fani tell Ivone about?

  1. Her capability to operate computer

  2. Her finishing computer course

  3. Her changing in her life

  4. Her English course

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jawaban yang paling tepat adalah C.


Inti dari kalimat ini terdapat pada awal kalimat teks surat tersebut, yakni pada kalimat "Dear Ivone, By this letter I am proud to tell you about some changes in my life that I have done so far." Jadi, jawaban yang paling tepat adalah C.

Inti dari kalimat ini terdapat pada awal kalimat teks surat tersebut, yakni pada kalimat "Dear Ivone, By this letter I am proud to tell you about some changes in my life that I have done so far."

Jadi, jawaban yang paling tepat adalah C.

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