


The following text is for number 6 to 10.

    It's a sunny Saturday, and everyone in Jatmiko's neighborhood is outside today. Jatmiko is with his bicycle. Denias, his next door neighbour, is near his car with a bucket of water and a piece of cloth. Mr. Jojo is on the lawn with a sickle in his right hand. Some boys are in the yard with a ball. Some girls are in the garden with their jerry-cans full of water. They are watering plants and flowers. It’s a nice day to be outside.


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What are the girls doing?

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  1. They are taking a bath

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  2. They are playing water cannon

  3. They are watering flowers

  4. They are handicapped


D. Entry

Master Teacher

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jawaban yang tepat adalah C.

jawaban yang tepat adalah C.undefined




Pada kalimat keenam, disebutkan bahwa Some girls are in the garden with their jerry-cans full of water yang artinya “Anak-anak perempuan ada di kebun dengan jerigen yang penuh air".Dapat disimpulkan bahwa anak-anak perempuan sedang menyirami tanaman/bunga. Oleh karena itu, jawaban yang tepat adalah C. Enable Ginger Cannot connect to Ginger Check your internet connection or reload the browser Disable in this text field Edit Edit in Ginger Edit in Ginger ×

Pada kalimat keenam, disebutkan bahwa Some girls are in the garden with their jerry-cans full of water yang artinya “Anak-anak perempuan ada di kebun dengan jerigen yang penuh air". Dapat disimpulkan bahwa anak-anak perempuan sedang menyirami tanaman/bunga.

Oleh karena itu, jawaban yang tepat adalah C.undefined

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Pertanyaan serupa

Why does Farhan go to the park often?



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