

Task 1: Observe the dialogs.

Read these dialogs. Pay attention to the italicized expressions. Answer the questions that follow.

Dialog 1

dr. Nahda: Hello ...

Fafa: Hello, doctor.

dr. Nahda: You look terrible. What can I do for you?

Fafa: I can't go to school today.

dr. Nahda: Oh, I am sorry to hear that. What's the problem?

Fafa: My stomach hurts terribly. I think I have a fever as well.

dr. Nahda: Okay, let me check your stomach. (The doctor puts the stethoscope in Fafa's belly and strike it lightly). Does it hurt here?

Fafa: Not that one.

dr. Nahda: Here?

Fafa: Yes, that's really terrible.

dr. Nahda: Alright then, I'll give you a prescription. You have to take the pills three times a day, okay?

Fafa: Okay, doctor.

dr. Nahda: Good. Get well soon, Fafa. Bye.

Fafa: Thanks a lot. Bye, doctor. 

Dialog 2

Tania works at a bus agent located at Arjosari terminal. A . stranger is walking approaching her bringing a suitcase.

Tania: Hello, sir. May I help you? Where's your destination?

Stranger: Yes. I need to go to Jakarta. How long will it take from this bus station? Is this Arjosari station?

Tania: Yes. This is Arjosari bus Station. It takes about 22 hours from here to Jakarta.

Stranger: What time will it leave?

Tania: It will leave at 02.30 p.m. So, you just need to wait for 45 minutes.

Stranger:  Do I have to change buses after arriving in Jakarta?

Tania: After arriving in Lebak Bulus Terminal, you have a lot of options to reach your final destination. You can get in a 'Trans Jakarta' bus, metro mini, bajaj, taxi as well as ojek. You can ask the bus driver there.

Stranger: Thank you. I will buy the bus ticket, then.

Tania: Wait a moment, please, I'll process it quickly.

Stranger:  Ok.

Dialog 3

Dhea: Have you heard that the due date for the final project is extended?

Riza: No, is it true?

Dhea: Yes. It will be due next month.

Riza: That’s wonderful! I haven’t even started yet.

Dhea: Would you need my help?

Riza: No, thanks. I’ll do it as soon as possible. I know that you’re as busy as I am.

Dhea: Okay. Just let me know if you need my help.

Dialog 4

Hamada: My extended family is going to a surprise birthday party for my grandmother next week.

Diana: Wow! That sounds great. How old is she?

Hamada: She'll be 75 on August 13

Diana: Really? I didn't know that she was that old. I thought that she was still around 60. She looks much younger.

Hamada: Thanks.

Diana: What if I help you with the preparation?

Hamada: Oh it's very nice of you, but I'm going to do it with my sister. Thanks for the offer.

Diana: Okay, no problem.

What are the functions of the italicized words?

What are the functions of the italicized words?

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D. Danti

Master Teacher

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Soal menanyakan fungsi kata - kata yang bercetak miring. Berikut ini merupakan kata yang bercetak miring pada setiap dialog. dialog 1:What can I do for you?, What's the problem?,let me check your stomach.(by dr. Nahda) dialog 2:May I help you?(by Tania) dialog 3:Would you need my help? (by Dhea) dialog 4: What if I help you with the preparation? (by Hamada) Frasa ataupun kalimat yang dicetak miringmerupakan ungkapan yang berfungsi untuk memberi tawaran kepada orang lain. "The italicized sentences are the expressions that are used to offer helpto someone." Jawaban yang benar adalah The italicized sentences are the expressions that are used to offer helpto someone.

Soal menanyakan fungsi kata - kata yang bercetak miring.

Berikut ini merupakan kata yang bercetak miring pada setiap dialog.
dialog 1: What can I do for you?, What's the problem?, let me check your stomach. (by dr. Nahda)
dialog 2: May I help you? (by Tania)
dialog 3: Would you need my help? (by Dhea)

dialog 4: What if I help you with the preparation? (by Hamada)

Frasa ataupun kalimat yang dicetak miring merupakan ungkapan yang berfungsi untuk memberi tawaran kepada orang lain.

"The italicized sentences are the expressions that are used to offer help to someone."

Jawaban yang benar adalah The italicized sentences are the expressions that are used to offer help to someone.

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