


Questions 16 to 23 are based on the following Text 2.

Text 2

Botanical Garden

    I went to a botanical garden. It was large, landscaped parks where plants were grown for scientific purposes and for public display. People could stroll down flowers bordered paths or sat on benches and admired the beautiful plants. Most of the plants were labelled with their popular as well as their scientific names.

    In greenhouses, long, low buildings made of glass and artificially heated; the more delicate plants were cultivated.

    One of the greatest botanical gardens in the world today is the Royal Botanic Garden at Kew, England. It is commonly known as Kew Gardens. One of the largest botanical gardens in the United States is the New York Botanical Gardens, Bronx, New York, which contains 13,000 species varieties of plants.

What are botanical gardens? They are large, landscaped parks where ____ are grown.

What are botanical gardens? They are large, landscaped parks where ____ are grown.

  1. trees

  2. shrubs

  3. plants

  4. vegetables


R. Rani

Master Teacher

Jawaban terverifikasi



Kalimat " What are botanical gardens? They are large, landscaped parks where ____ are grown. " bermakna Apa itu kebun raya? Kebun Raya adalah taman besar yang indah tempat ____ ditanam. Berdasarkan wacana di atas dapat kita ketahui bahwa kebun raya adalah taman lanskap besar tempat tumbuhan atau plants ditanam sebagaimana disebutkan dalam kalimat " It was large, landscaped parks where plants were grown... " Dengan demikian, jawaban yang benar adalah C.

Kalimat "What are botanical gardens? They are large, landscaped parks where ____ are grown." bermakna Apa itu kebun raya? Kebun Raya adalah taman besar yang indah tempat ____ ditanam.

Berdasarkan wacana di atas dapat kita ketahui bahwa kebun raya adalah taman lanskap besar tempat tumbuhan atau plants ditanam sebagaimana disebutkan dalam kalimat "It was large, landscaped parks where plants were grown..."

Dengan demikian, jawaban yang benar adalah C.


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