


Practice the following dialogue. Then answer the questions!

Edward: I heard that there was a big storm hitting your region.

Rick: That's right. The storm destroyed the storage room that my father had built.

Edward: How was the situation at that time?

Rick: My father had just left for work when the storm came. We heard a loud noise outside, so my mom and I ran out of the house. We hid in the bunker.

Edward: Your house had a bunker?

Rick: Yes. There had been a bunker before I moved to the house.

Edward: So, when did you come out of the bunker?

Rick: After half an hour. When we came out of the bunker, the storm had gone. All my neighbors were in front of their house. They were afraid to enter the house. After an hour, the condition had been stable, we entered the house.

Edward: What about your father?

Rick: When he arrived at his office, his co-workers had gathered outside.

Edward: You must be frightened at that time

Rick: Of course. I will never forget this happening.

Was Rick's father at home when the storm hit the region?

Was Rick's father at home when the storm hit the region?


D. Danti

Master Teacher

Jawaban terverifikasi


jawaban yang benar adalah "No, he was not".

jawaban yang benar adalah "No, he was not".




Jawaban soal ini adalah "No, he was not". Perintah pada soal adalah menjawab pertanyaan berdasarkan bacaan. Terjemahan dari soal adalah "Apakah ayah Rick ada di rumah saat badai melanda wilayah itu?" Pada dialog terdapat kalimat "My father had just left for work when the storm came" yang artinya "Ayah saya baru saja berangkat kerja ketika badai datang,". Dari terjemahan, dapat disimpulkan jika ayah Rick tidak ada dirumah saat badai dirumah atau Rick's father was not at home. Dengan demikian, jawaban yang benar adalah "No, he was not".

Jawaban soal ini adalah "No, he was not".

Perintah pada soal adalah menjawab pertanyaan berdasarkan bacaan. Terjemahan dari soal adalah "Apakah ayah Rick ada di rumah saat badai melanda wilayah itu?"

Pada dialog terdapat kalimat "My father had just left for work when the storm came" yang artinya "Ayah saya baru saja berangkat kerja ketika badai datang,". 

Dari terjemahan, dapat disimpulkan jika ayah Rick tidak ada dirumah saat badai dirumah  atau Rick's father was not at home.

Dengan demikian, jawaban yang benar adalah "No, he was not".

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Pertanyaan serupa

Make question with the answer based on the text. When ?



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