

    A U.S.-based computer software company has recently heard from a Nigerian manufacturing company. The Nigerian company has expressed interest in one of its software programs. The Nigerian company has invited the U.S. company to Nigeria to demonstrate its software.

    The U.S. company has been very successful domestically, but this will be the first time it has ever ventured into the international business world. The company would like to expand and begin to build status in the international community. Being successful with this negotiation would help the company very much.

    The top managers have come together to plan a business strategy for then. Nigerian business trip. They must also decide who is the most appropriate person to send to Nigeria to represent the company. The person chosen must be a highly competent negotiator, able to persuade the Nigerians that the company's software is the best in the market and exactly what the Nigerian company needs. Therefore, they must think very carefully about the qualities of the person they send.

Vocabulary Match the following words (taken from the story) to their definitions. a. plan b. advance with risk c. position d. capable, skilled e. explain or show f. nationally or in the home country g. convince h. characteristics or features 6. qualities. ____.


Match the following words (taken from the story) to their definitions.

a. plan

b. advance with risk

c. position

d. capable, skilled

e. explain or show

f. nationally or in the home country

g. convince

h. characteristics or features

6. qualities. ____.

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R. Rani

Master Teacher

Jawaban terverifikasi


jawaban yang benar adalah H.

jawaban yang benar adalah H.


Soal meminta kita untuk mencocokan kata dalam soaldengan definisi pada pilihan jawaban yang tersedia (a-h). Kata qualities bermakna kualitas atau characteristics or features. Dengan demikian, jawaban yang benar adalah H.

Soal meminta kita untuk mencocokan kata dalam soal dengan definisi pada pilihan jawaban yang tersedia (a-h).

Kata qualities bermakna kualitas atau characteristics or features.

Dengan demikian, jawaban yang benar adalah H.

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