


Victoria Caroline Beckham is an English singer-songwriter, dancer, model, actress, fashion designer and businesswoman. She was born on April 17, 1974, in Essex, England. She became famous in the 1990's with the pop group "The Spice Girls" and was known as Posh Spice. In 1999, she married the Manchester United and England footballer, David Beckham. They have four children, three sons and a daughter. After the Spice Girls split up, she pursued a solo singing career, but also started her own fashion range called dVb Style. Since this initial foray into fashion Victoria Beckham has brought out her own range of sunglasses and fragrance, entitled "intimately Beckham" and a range of handbags and jewelry. In addition, she had written two best-selling books: one her autobiography and the other, a fashion guide. What did Victoria do before being a solo singer?

Victoria Caroline Beckham is an English singer-songwriter, dancer, model, actress, fashion designer and businesswoman. She was born on April 17, 1974, in Essex, England. She became famous in the 1990's with the pop group "The Spice Girls" and was known as Posh Spice. In 1999, she married the Manchester United and England footballer, David Beckham. They have four children, three sons and a daughter.

After the Spice Girls split up, she pursued a solo singing career, but also started her own fashion range called dVb Style. Since this initial foray into fashion Victoria Beckham has brought out her own range of sunglasses and fragrance, entitled "intimately Beckham" and a range of handbags and jewelry.

In addition, she had written two best-selling books: one her autobiography and the other, a fashion guide.

What did Victoria do before being a solo singer?

  1. Married to David Beckham.

  2. Worked as fashion designer.

  3. Joined the Spice Girls.

  4. Created fashion style.

  5. Wrote many books.


M. Ardini

Master Teacher

Mahasiswa/Alumni Universitas Gadjah Mada

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Berdasarkan kalimat “ After The Spice Girl split up, she pursued a solo singer career ” yang terdapat pada kalimat pertama di paragraf ke-2, dapat diketahui bahwa Victoria mengejar karier sebagai penyanyi solo setelah grup The Spice Girl bubar sehingga pilihan jawaban (C) adalah yang paling tepat.

Berdasarkan kalimat “After The Spice Girl split up, she pursued a solo singer career” yang terdapat pada kalimat pertama di paragraf ke-2, dapat diketahui bahwa Victoria mengejar karier sebagai penyanyi solo setelah grup The Spice Girl bubar sehingga pilihan jawaban (C) adalah yang paling tepat.

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