

Vegetarians, about 3.2% of the US population, do not eat meat. The US Department of Agriculture does not only include meat as part of a balanced diet, but it also states that a vegetarian diet can meet "the recommended dietary allowances for nutrients." Many proponents of vegetarianism say that eating meat harms health, wastes resources, causes deforestation, and created pollution. They often argue that killing animals for food is cruel and unethical since non-animal food sources are plentiful. Humans evolved to be primarily vegetarian. Humans do not have the large mouth or long, pointed teeth of carnivores. Human teeth are short and flat for chewing fibrous food. The liver of a carnivore can detoxify the excess vitamin A absorbed from a meat-based diet. The human liver cannot excess vitamin A. It is unnecessary to take an animal's life when vegetarian options are available. In the US about 35 million cows, 115 million pigs, and 9 billion birds are killed for food each year. These animals should not have to die to satisfy an unnecessary dietary preference. On the other hand, many opponents of a vegetarian diet say that moderate meat consumption is healthful, humane, and that producing vegetables causes many of the same environmental problems as producing meat. Eating meat is not cruel or unethical. Every organism on earth dies, at some points, so other can live. There is nothing wrong with this cycle; it is how nature works. Humans have been eating meat in the ancestral diet provided a dense form of nutrients and protein that, when combined with high-calorie low-nutrient carbohydrates such as roots, allowed us to develop our large brains and intelligence. Meat is the most convenient protein sources since it provides all 10 essential proteins (amino acids), as well as essential nutrients such as iron, zinc, and the B vitamins, in one serving. Most individual plant foods do not provide adequate levels of all 100 essential proteins in a single serving. In my opinion, meat eaters don't need to feel guilty. Everything we consume, including vegetables or meat, has environmental, ethical, and health consequences. All in all, the writer seems to disagree with the arguments stated by ...

Vegetarians, about 3.2% of the US population, do not eat meat. The US Department of Agriculture does not only include meat as part of a balanced diet, but it also states that a vegetarian diet can meet "the recommended dietary allowances for nutrients."

Many proponents of vegetarianism say that eating meat harms health, wastes resources, causes deforestation, and created pollution. They often argue that killing animals for food is cruel and unethical since non-animal food sources are plentiful.

Humans evolved to be primarily vegetarian. Humans do not have the large mouth or long, pointed teeth of carnivores. Human teeth are short and flat for chewing fibrous food. The liver of a carnivore can detoxify the excess vitamin A absorbed from a meat-based diet. The human liver cannot excess vitamin A.

It is unnecessary to take an animal's life when vegetarian options are available. In the US about 35 million cows, 115 million pigs, and 9 billion birds are killed for food each year. These animals should not have to die to satisfy an unnecessary dietary preference.

On the other hand, many opponents of a vegetarian diet say that moderate meat consumption is healthful, humane, and that producing vegetables causes many of the same environmental problems as producing meat.

Eating meat is not cruel or unethical. Every organism on earth dies, at some points, so other can live. There is nothing wrong with this cycle; it is how nature works. Humans have been eating meat in the ancestral diet provided a dense form of nutrients and protein that, when combined with high-calorie low-nutrient carbohydrates such as roots, allowed us to develop our large brains and intelligence.

Meat is the most convenient protein sources since it provides all 10 essential proteins (amino acids), as well as essential nutrients such as iron, zinc, and the B vitamins, in one serving. Most individual plant foods do not provide adequate levels of all 100 essential proteins in a single serving.

In my opinion, meat eaters don't need to feel guilty. Everything we consume, including vegetables or meat, has environmental, ethical, and health consequences.


All in all, the writer seems to disagree with the arguments stated by ...

  1. the US Department of Agriculture

  2. proponents of vegetarianism

  3. opponents of vegetarianism

  4. animal lovers

  5. meat eaters

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Y. Yuli.Widya

Master Teacher

Jawaban terverifikasi


Berdasarkan kalimat “ In my opinion, meat eaters don’t need to feel guilty” yang terdapat pada kalimat pertama di paragraf terakhir, dapat diketahui bahwa penulis berpendapat bahwa pemakan daging tidak perlu merasa bersalah sehingga pilihan jawaban (B) adalah yang paling tepat karena penulis tidak setuju dengan pendapat para pendukung vegetarian.

Berdasarkan kalimat “In my opinion, meat eaters don’t need to feel guilty” yang terdapat pada kalimat pertama di paragraf terakhir, dapat diketahui bahwa penulis berpendapat bahwa pemakan daging tidak perlu merasa bersalah sehingga pilihan jawaban (B) adalah yang paling tepat karena penulis tidak setuju dengan pendapat para pendukung vegetarian.

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