

Van is a city in eastern Turkey's Van Province, located on the eastern shore of Lake Van. The city has a long (48)… as a major urban area. It has been a large city (49)… the first millennium BC, initially as the capital of the kingdom of Urartu in the 9th century BC and later as the center of the Armenian kingdom of Vaspurakan. Today, Van has a Kurdish majority and a sizeable Turkish minority. In 2010 the official population figure for Van was 367,419, but many estimates put it much higher with a 1996 estimate stating 500,000 and former Mayor Burhan Yengun is quoted as saying it may be as high as 600,000. The Van Central district stretches over 2,289 square kilometres (884 square miles). Van has another older name, which is Tushpa and (50)… so, when it was a capital of Urartan Kingdom. Source : wikipedia.org (48) .....

Van is a city in eastern Turkey's Van Province, located on the eastern shore of Lake Van. The city has a long (48)… as a major urban area. It has been a large city (49)… the first millennium BC, initially as the capital of the kingdom of Urartu in the 9th century BC and later as the center of the Armenian kingdom of Vaspurakan. Today, Van has a Kurdish majority and a sizeable Turkish minority.
In 2010 the official population figure for Van was 367,419, but many estimates put it much higher with a 1996 estimate stating 500,000 and former Mayor Burhan Yengun is quoted as saying it may be as high as 600,000. The Van Central district stretches over 2,289 square kilometres (884 square miles). Van has another older name, which is Tushpa and (50)… so, when it was a capital of Urartan Kingdom.
Source :wikipedia.org

(48) .....

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M. Ardini

Master Teacher

Mahasiswa/Alumni Universitas Gadjah Mada

Jawaban terverifikasi


Maksud kalimatnya adalah Kota Van memiliki sejarah yang panjang sebagai area urban yang besar, petunjuknya ada di kalimat setelahnya yang membahas mengenai Van merupakan kota yang besar sejak millenium pertama sebelum masehi, maka kata yang tepat adalah jawaban A yang berarti sejarah. Jawaban B, C, dan D berarti jalan, dan E berarti waktu.

Maksud kalimatnya adalah Kota Van memiliki sejarah yang panjang sebagai area urban yang besar, petunjuknya ada di kalimat setelahnya yang membahas mengenai Van merupakan kota yang besar sejak millenium pertama sebelum masehi, maka kata yang tepat adalah jawaban A yang berarti sejarah. Jawaban B, C, dan D berarti jalan, dan E berarti waktu.

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Pertanyaan serupa

Read the following text to answer questions number 48-50! The Black Sea is a 48… of water and marginal sea of the Atlantic Ocean between Eastern Europe, the Caucasus, and Western Asia. It is suppli...



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