

Use the words in the box again to complete the sentences reflecting other contexts. The students were very ____ when the teacher announced that they were going to have an excursion to the local public library.

Use the words in the box again to complete the sentences reflecting other contexts.

The students were very ____ when the teacher announced that they were going to have an excursion to the local public library.

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N. Puspita

Master Teacher

Jawaban terverifikasi


jawaban yang benar adalah excited .

jawaban yang benar adalah excited.



Jawaban untuk soal ini adalah ' excited' . Soal ini menanyakan kata yang tepat untuk melengkapi rumpang menggunakan kata yang disediakan. Kalimat " The students were very ____ when the teacher announced that they were going to have an excursion to the local public library. " bermakna "Para siswa sangat ____ ketika guru mengumumkan bahwa mereka akan bertamasya ke perpustakaan umum setempat." Berdasarkan konteksnya, kata yang paling tepat untuk melengkapi rumpang adalah bersemangat atau excited . Sehingga, kalimat lengkapnya menjadi " The students were very excited when the teacher announced that they were going to have an excursion to the local public library.​​​​​​​ " Dengan demikian, jawaban yang benar adalah excited .

Jawaban untuk soal ini adalah 'excited'.

Soal ini menanyakan kata yang tepat untuk melengkapi rumpang menggunakan kata yang disediakan.

Kalimat "The students were very ____ when the teacher announced that they were going to have an excursion to the local public library." bermakna "Para siswa sangat ____ ketika guru mengumumkan bahwa mereka akan bertamasya ke perpustakaan umum setempat."

Berdasarkan konteksnya, kata yang paling tepat untuk melengkapi rumpang adalah bersemangat atau excited. Sehingga, kalimat lengkapnya menjadi "The students were very excited when the teacher announced that they were going to have an excursion to the local public library.​​​​​​​"

Dengan demikian, jawaban yang benar adalah excited.

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di sesi Live Teaching, GRATIS!



Pertanyaan serupa

Use the words in the box again to complete the sentences reflecting other contexts. When we arrived at the top of the mountain, we were ____, The scenery was magnificent.



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