

Tiger (Panthera Tigris) is mammal that belongs to Chordate phylum (having spinal cord), Vertebrate subphylum (vertebrates), Felidae family (cat), Panthera genus, and Tigris species. They are the biggest cat that lives on earth. Even they are bigger than a lion. Besides being the largest cat, they are also the second fastest cat in terms of running, after cheetah. In the class of carnivorous animal, they are the third largest carnivores after polar bears and grizzly bears. They have nine sub- species of which three species have been declared vanished. The subspecies which still live on earth are Siberian tigers, tiger South China tiger, Indochinese tiger, Bengal tiger, and Malayan tiger. In general, male tigers weigh between 180 and 320 kg, while the weight is between 120 and 180 kg for females. Their body length is between 2.6 and 3.3 meters for males, while females’ body length is between 2.3 and 2.75 meters. Among the surviving subspecies, Sumatran tigers are the smallest and Siberian tigers are the biggest tiger in the world. They have stripes on its body. The stripes are usually used as identity because each tiger has a different striped pattern. Besides used for an identity, it is also useful for camouflage from its prey. Commonly, colors of the stripes are orange and black while its hair chest is white. Nevertheless, Siberian tigers have pale stripes while Bengal tigers’ body is white. In general, tigers have a white mane on the bottom of face. Unlike lions, their mane is less. Just like other species of big cats, they have a white spot on the back of both ears. They are a meat-eating animals (carnivores). They usually hunt fairly on large prey such as forest cattle, elk, deer, and pigs. They belong to solitary animals. They prefer to live and hunt alone. Although come from the same family, they are different from ordinary cat. They really like to swim. Tigers reproduce by whelping. They usually breed in November until April. They have a gestation period about 3-4 weeks and can produce 3 to 4 cubs. What is the fastest cat in terms of running according to the text above?

Tiger (Panthera Tigris) is mammal that belongs to Chordate phylum (having spinal cord), Vertebrate subphylum (vertebrates), Felidae family (cat), Panthera genus, and Tigris species. They are the biggest cat that lives on earth. Even they are bigger than a lion. Besides being the largest cat, they are also the second fastest cat in terms of running, after cheetah. In the class of carnivorous animal, they are the third largest carnivores after polar bears and grizzly bears.

They have nine sub- species of which three species have been declared vanished. The subspecies which still live on earth are Siberian tigers, tiger South China tiger, Indochinese tiger, Bengal tiger, and Malayan tiger. In general, male tigers weigh between 180 and 320 kg, while the weight is between 120 and 180 kg for females. Their body length is between 2.6 and 3.3 meters for males, while females’ body length is between 2.3 and 2.75 meters. Among the surviving subspecies, Sumatran tigers are the smallest and Siberian tigers are the biggest tiger in the world.

They have stripes on its body. The stripes are usually used as identity because each tiger has a different striped pattern. Besides used for an identity, it is also useful for camouflage from its prey. Commonly, colors of the stripes are orange and black while its hair chest is white. Nevertheless, Siberian tigers have pale stripes while Bengal tigers’ body is white.

In general, tigers have a white mane on the bottom of face. Unlike lions, their mane is less. Just like other species of big cats, they have a white spot on the back of both ears. They are a meat-eating animals (carnivores). They usually hunt fairly on large prey such as forest cattle, elk, deer, and pigs. They belong to solitary animals. They prefer to live and hunt alone. Although come from the same family, they are different from ordinary cat. They really like to swim. Tigers reproduce by whelping. They usually breed in November until April. They have a gestation period about 3-4 weeks and can produce 3 to 4 cubs.

What is the fastest cat in terms of running according to the text above?

  1. cat

  2. cheetah

  3. tiger

  4. lion

  5. fox

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A. Mufida

Master Teacher

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jawaban yang benar adalah B.

jawaban yang benar adalah B.


Soal menanyakan jenis kucing yang paling cepat dalam hal berlari menurut teks tersebut. Pada paragraf 1 disebutkan “ Besides being the largest cat, they are also the second fastest cat in terms of running, after cheetah ” yang artinya "Selain menjadi kucing berukuran paling besar, mereka juga kucing paling cepat kedua dalam hal berlari, setelah cheetah". Kalimat ini mengindikasikan bahwa cheetah adalah kucing yang paling cepat dalam hal berlari. Jadi, jawaban yang benar adalah B.

Soal menanyakan jenis kucing yang paling cepat dalam hal berlari menurut teks tersebut.

Pada paragraf 1 disebutkan “Besides being the largest cat, they are also the second fastest cat in terms of running, after cheetah” yang artinya "Selain menjadi kucing berukuran paling besar, mereka juga kucing paling cepat kedua dalam hal berlari, setelah cheetah". Kalimat ini mengindikasikan bahwa cheetah adalah kucing yang paling cepat dalam hal berlari.

Jadi, jawaban yang benar adalah B.

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