

This text is for questions 4 to 7. Lake Poso has very clear water, even in the rainy season. You will find a situation that is similar to that of at a seashore. The clear green water on the edge and the blue clear water in the middle of the lake, will make you feel as if you're at a beautiful seashore. Don't forget to bring extra clothes if you visit this lake because you will definitely want to swim in its calm and clean water. Located on the north of the To raja highlands in South Sulawesi, Lake Poso is bordered by the Pendolo town on the south and Tentena on the north, with several smaller villages scattered in between. The water of the lake flows into a river and Tomini Bay. Around the lake, silver and yellow eels crisscross the lake together with fish. The center of the lake is crystal blue, outlined by a shade of green and bordered with soft white and golden sand. Rolling hills surround this enchanting lake, covered with stretches of bright, green rice fields, fragrant clove trees, and tropical forests. Moreover here can be found anoa and babirusa (wild boar), the endemic animals of Sulawesi. Adapted from: https://web.archive.org/web/20200610085748/ https://www.indonesia-tourism.com/central-sulawesi/poso_lake. html (February16, 2021) " .... silver and yellow eels crisscross the lake together with fish." (Paragraph 3) What is the synonym of the underlined word?

This text is for questions 4 to 7.

    Lake Poso has very clear water, even in the rainy season. You will find a situation that is similar to that of at a seashore. The clear green water on the edge and the blue clear water in the middle of the lake, will make you feel as if you're at a beautiful seashore. Don't forget to bring extra clothes if you visit this lake because you will definitely want to swim in its calm and clean water.

    Located on the north of the To raja highlands in South Sulawesi, Lake Poso is bordered by the Pendolo town on the south and Tentena on the north, with several smaller villages scattered in between. The water of the lake flows into a river and Tomini Bay.

    Around the lake, silver and yellow eels crisscross the lake together with fish. The center of the lake is crystal blue, outlined by a shade of green and bordered with soft white and golden sand. Rolling hills surround this enchanting lake, covered with stretches of bright, green rice fields, fragrant clove trees, and tropical forests. Moreover here can be found anoa and babirusa (wild boar), the endemic animals of Sulawesi.

Adapted from: https://web.archive.org/web/20200610085748/ https://www.indonesia-tourism.com/central-sulawesi/poso_lake. html (February 16, 2021)

" .... silver and yellow eels crisscross the lake together with fish." (Paragraph 3)

What is the synonym of the underlined word?

  1. One after another

  2. Enthusiastically

  3. Back and forth

  4. Irregularly

  5. Quickly

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B. Atlaliust

Master Teacher

Mahasiswa/Alumni Universitas Negeri Medan

Jawaban terverifikasi


jawaban yang benar adalah C.

jawaban yang benar adalah C.


Soal ini menanyakan sinonim dari kata yang digarisbawahi yaitu kata crisscross . Kata crisscross memiliki arti "mengitari". Berikut terjemahan dari kata-kata yang ada dalam pilihan jawaban: Opsi A memiliki arti “timpa-bertimpa”. Opsi B memiliki arti “dengan penuh semangat” Opsi C memiliki arti “bolak-balik” Opsi D memiliki arti “secara tidak teratur” Opsi E memiliki arti “dengan cepat”. Berdasarkan terjemahan tersebut, jawaban yang benar adalah back and forth . Jadi, jawaban yang benar adalah C.

Soal ini menanyakan sinonim dari kata yang digarisbawahi yaitu kata crisscross.

Kata crisscross memiliki arti "mengitari". Berikut terjemahan dari kata-kata yang ada dalam pilihan jawaban:

  • Opsi A memiliki arti “timpa-bertimpa”.
  • Opsi B memiliki arti “dengan penuh semangat”
  • Opsi C memiliki arti “bolak-balik”
  • Opsi D memiliki arti “secara tidak teratur”
  • Opsi E memiliki arti “dengan cepat”.

Berdasarkan terjemahan tersebut, jawaban yang benar adalah back and forth.

Jadi, jawaban yang benar adalah C.

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