

This text is forquestions 24to 26. Mrs. Santy was sitting at the verandah when a young man approached her. "Excuse me, Ma'am. I am Rangga. May I have your time, please?" asked Rangga. "Yes. Please sit down,"asked Mrs. Santy. "Thank you, Ma'am. I am from an insurance company and I'd like to invite you to join my insurance," replied Rangga politely. "I'm sorry, I am not interested in joining any insurance," said Mrs. Santy. "Please give me a moment, Ma'am," begged Rangga. "O.K. May I see your identity card, please?" asked Mrs. Santy. ''Here it is," replied Rangga. "What insurance do you offer?" asked Mrs. Santy. "We have life and education insurance. You can choose one of them or both,'' said Rangga. "We offer you many benefits if you join our insurance. Our company has been established for about twenty years, so you can trust us. Here are the testimonies of our customers." "That's nice, but still I am not interested. Sorry," said Mrs. Santy. "O.K. That's not a problem. l will give you a brochure about our insurance and my phone number. Please contact me if you change your mind. Thanks for your time, Ma'am. Sorry for bothering you," said Rangga. "My pleasure,"replied Mrs. Santy. If Mrs. Santy is interested in joining the insurance, she will ____.

This text is for questions 24 to 26.

    Mrs. Santy was sitting at the verandah when a young man approached her.

    "Excuse me, Ma'am. I am Rangga. May I have your time, please?" asked Rangga.

    "Yes. Please sit down," asked Mrs. Santy.

    "Thank you, Ma'am. I am from an insurance company and I'd like to invite you to join my insurance," replied Rangga politely.

    "I'm sorry, I am not interested in joining any insurance," said Mrs. Santy.

    "Please give me a moment, Ma'am," begged Rangga.

    "O.K. May I see your identity card, please?" asked Mrs. Santy.

    ''Here it is," replied Rangga.

    "What insurance do you offer?" asked Mrs. Santy.

    "We have life and education insurance. You can choose one of them or both,'' said Rangga. "We offer you many benefits if you join our insurance. Our company has been established for about twenty years, so you can trust us. Here are the testimonies of our customers."

    "That's nice, but still I am not interested. Sorry," said Mrs. Santy.

    "O.K. That's not a problem. l will give you a brochure about our insurance and my phone number. Please contact me if you change your mind. Thanks for your time, Ma'am. Sorry for bothering you," said Rangga.

    "My pleasure," replied Mrs. Santy.

If Mrs. Santy is interested in joining the insurance, she will ____.space 

  1. contact Ranggaundefined 

  2. call the managerundefined 

  3. look for the brochureundefined 

  4. go to the insurance companyundefined 

  5. browse the Internet for more informationundefined 

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A. Lee

Master Teacher

Jawaban terverifikasi


jawabannya adalah, A. contact Rangga

jawabannya adalah, A. contact Rangga



Kata kunci dari soal adalah " interested " yang artinya "tertarik" Untuk menemukan jawaban soal, temukan kata tersebut pada teks dan lihat kalimat yang terdapat sebelum dan atau sesudah kata tersebut. Di dalam teks kata " interested " terdapat pada kalimat yang diungkapkan Ibu Santy berikut, "That's nice, but still I am not interested. Sorry" yang artinya "Wah bagus, tetapi saya masih belum tertarik. Maaf". Kalimat tersebut menunjukkan ketidak tertarikan Ibu Santy kepada tawaran Rangga. Setelah kalimat tersebut muncul kalimat yang diungkapkan oleh Rangga yaitu, " O.K That's not a problem. I will give you a brochure about our insurance and my phone number. Please contact me if you change your mind." yang artinya "Baik, tidak masalah. Saya akan memberikan brosur asuransi kami dan nomor telepon saya. Jika Ibu berubah pikiran, silahkan hubungi saya" Pada kalimat ini Rangga memberikan informasi apabila kemudian Ibu Santy berubah pikiran dari tidak tertarik menjadi tertarik, maka ia bisa menghubunginya. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa jika Ibu Santy tertarik untuk ikut asuransi tersebut dia bisa menghubungi Rangga. Jadi jawabannya adalah, A. contact Rangga

Kata kunci dari soal adalah "interested" yang artinya "tertarik" 

Untuk menemukan jawaban soal, temukan kata tersebut pada teks dan lihat kalimat yang terdapat sebelum dan atau sesudah kata tersebut.

Di dalam teks kata "interested" terdapat pada kalimat yang diungkapkan Ibu Santy berikut, "That's nice, but still I am not interested. Sorry" yang artinya "Wah bagus, tetapi saya masih belum tertarik. Maaf". Kalimat tersebut menunjukkan ketidak tertarikan Ibu Santy kepada tawaran Rangga.

Setelah kalimat tersebut muncul kalimat yang diungkapkan oleh Rangga yaitu, "O.K That's not a problem. I will give you a brochure about our insurance and my phone number. Please contact me if you change your mind." yang artinya "Baik, tidak masalah. Saya akan memberikan brosur asuransi kami dan nomor telepon saya. Jika Ibu berubah pikiran, silahkan hubungi saya"  Pada kalimat ini Rangga memberikan informasi apabila kemudian Ibu Santy berubah pikiran dari tidak tertarik menjadi tertarik, maka ia bisa menghubunginya. 

Dapat disimpulkan bahwa jika Ibu Santy tertarik untuk ikut asuransi tersebut dia bisa menghubungi Rangga. 

Jadi jawabannya adalah, A. contact Rangga

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Pertanyaan serupa

This text is forquestions 24to 26. Mrs. Santy was sitting at the verandah when a young man approached her. "Excuse me, Ma'am. I am Rangga. May I have your time, please?" asked Rangga. "Yes....



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