


This text is for question number 1 to 5. Last sunday was the grand final of the singing competition my sister was in. It was held on Balai Kartini, Jakarta. (1) ____ support my sister in the grand final, I went there with my family. The show began at 7 p.m, but we went there at 4 p.m. (2) ____ we wouldn’t be trapped in traffic jam. When we first arrived, we couldn’t meet our sister since she was on back stage doing some preparation prior to the show. But right before the show began, my sister got a chance to greet us and we pray together. We encouraged and cheered her up (3) ____ she would be less nervous. Later I realized that we were much more nervous than she was. Finally, the winner announcement came. We held our breath and my sister turned out to be the first runner up. Were we upset? Nope.That my sister got that title is a miracle. So when she was crying, we told her to chin up. (4) ____ achieve more in the future, all she needs to do is to do better than ever. After that show, we went home. The next two days, we held a small party (5) ____ we can could celebrate the happiness with extended family and neighbours. The most appropriate conjunction to complete number 1 is ….

This text is for question number 1 to 5. 

Last sunday was the grand final of the singing competition my sister was in. It was held on Balai Kartini, Jakarta. (1) ____ support my sister in the grand final, I went there with my family. The show began at 7 p.m, but we went there at 4 p.m. (2) ____ we wouldn’t be trapped in traffic jam. 

When we first arrived, we couldn’t meet our sister since she was on back stage doing some preparation prior to the show. But right before the show began, my sister got a chance to greet us and we pray together. We encouraged and cheered her up (3) ____ she would be less nervous. Later I realized that we were much more nervous than she was. 

Finally, the winner announcement came. We held our breath and my sister turned out to be the first runner up. Were we upset? Nope.That my sister got that title is a miracle. So when she was crying, we told her to chin up. (4) ____ achieve more in the future, all she needs to do is to do better than ever. After that show, we went home. The next two days, we held a small party (5) ____ we can could celebrate the happiness with extended family and neighbours. 

The most appropriate conjunction to complete number 1 is ….space 

  1. so

  2. so as

  3. in order to

  4. in order that


H. Nurulhayati

Master Teacher

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Kalimat rumpang pertama artinya “____ mendukung saudara perempuanku di grand final , aku pergi ke sana bersama keluargaku.” Penulis pergi ke Balai kartini dengan tujuan mendukung saudaranya, dan karena support adalah kata kerja, kata hubung yang bisa muncul sebelumnya adalah in order to . Pilihan jawaban yang tepat adalah C.

Kalimat rumpang pertama artinya “____ mendukung saudara perempuanku di grand final, aku pergi ke sana bersama keluargaku.” Penulis pergi ke Balai kartini dengan tujuan mendukung saudaranya, dan karena support adalah kata kerja, kata hubung yang bisa muncul sebelumnya adalah in order to.

Pilihan jawaban yang tepat adalah C.space 

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Pertanyaan serupa

Merge the sentences below into one meaningful sentence! Sarah is setting her alarm at 5 A.M. Sarah won’t miss the school bus.



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