


This text is for question 27 to 29 Sabrina Hanifah Human Resources Manager PT. Bergema Abadi Dear Mrs. Sabrina, I am a successful business professional with a proven track record of business growth and restructurings of multinational corporations. I would bring my tenancy and penchant for success to your organization in the capacity of the senior executive. As such, here are the skills I will bring to your company: Solid marketing background and the savvy to implement, understand, and troubleshoot marketing operations while achieving business growth and increased market share resulting profitability. A strong commitment to the industry, having contributed my talents in the telecommunication category in a various roles and capacities. As a skilled professional with a good background in analysing and improving sales number, I am confident that I will prove an asset to your company and respectfully submit my application for your review. I would like to request a meeting to discuss how I can help meet your goals. I am available at your convenience and hope to hear from you soon. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, Rofiq Wiguna Adopted from: https://novoresume.com/career-blog/cover-letter-examples (April 11, 2020) "I would bring my tenancy and penchant for success to your organization in the capacity of the senior executive" (Paragraph 1) The underlined word has a similar meaning to _____.

This text is for question 27 to 29

Sabrina Hanifah
Human Resources Manager
PT. Bergema Abadi

Dear Mrs. Sabrina,

I am a successful business professional with a proven track record of business growth and restructurings of multinational corporations.

I would bring my tenancy and penchant for success to your organization in the capacity of the senior executive. As such, here are the skills I will bring to your company:

  • Solid marketing background and the savvy to implement, understand, and troubleshoot marketing operations while achieving business growth and increased market share resulting profitability.
  • A strong commitment to the industry, having contributed my talents in the telecommunication category in a various roles and capacities.

As a skilled professional with a good background in analysing and improving sales number, I am confident that I will prove an asset to your company and respectfully submit my application for your review.

I would like to request a meeting to discuss how I can help meet your goals. I am available at your convenience and hope to hear from you soon.

Thank you for your consideration.

Rofiq Wiguna

Adopted from: https://novoresume.com/career-blog/cover-letter-examples (April 11, 2020)

"I would bring my tenancy and penchant for success to your organization in the capacity of the senior executive" (Paragraph 1)
The underlined word has a similar meaning to _____. 

  1. honestyundefined 

  2. capabilityundefined 

  3. predicitonundefined 

  4. preferenceundefined 

  5. responsibilityundefined 


M. Herlina

Master Teacher

Mahasiswa/Alumni Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Jawaban terverifikasi


jawaban yang benar adalah D.

jawaban yang benar adalah D.



"I would bring my tenancy and penchant for success to your organization in the capacity of the senior executive" (Paragraph 1) memiliki arti "Saya akan membawa kemampuan dan kegemaran saya untuk sukses ke dalam organisasi Anda dalam kapasitas eksekutif senior" Soal di atas meminta kita mencari persamaan kata dari kata yang diberi garis bawah (The underlined word has a similar meaning to _____. ). Kata yang diberi garis bawah dalam potongan kalimat di atas adalah penchant yang artinya kegemaran. Pilihan jawaban yang tersedia adalah: A. honesty = kejujuran B. capability = kemampuan C. prediction = prediksi D. preference = kegemaran E. responsibility = tanggung jawab Dari pilihan jawaban yang tersedia, kata yang memiliki makna yang sama dengan kata penchant adalah preference = kegemaran. Jadi, jawaban yang benar adalah D.

"I would bring my tenancy and penchant for success to your organization in the capacity of the senior executive" (Paragraph 1) memiliki arti "Saya akan membawa kemampuan dan kegemaran saya untuk sukses ke dalam organisasi Anda dalam kapasitas eksekutif senior"

Soal di atas meminta kita mencari persamaan kata dari kata yang diberi garis bawah (The underlined word has a similar meaning to _____. ). Kata yang diberi garis bawah dalam potongan kalimat di atas adalah penchant yang artinya kegemaran. Pilihan jawaban yang tersedia adalah:

A. honesty = kejujuran

B. capability = kemampuan

C. prediction = prediksi

D. preference = kegemaran

E. responsibility = tanggung jawab

Dari pilihan jawaban yang tersedia, kata yang memiliki makna yang sama dengan kata penchant adalah preference = kegemaran.

Jadi, jawaban yang benar adalah D.

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