


This text for questions 14 to 17. Palembang is recognized as one of the oldest cities in Indonesia. It is the capital city of South Sumatra. It occupies the lowland that is situated to the east of the Bukit Barisan Mountains. The city is also known as Kota Pempek. If you visit this city, don't forget to: See Ampera Bridge. The bridge connects Sebera Ulu and Seberang Ilir which are separated by Musi River. The bridge stands with a length of 225 meters and a span of 61 meters with a 9-meter clearance beneath it. You can pass the bridge or see the bridge from the side of Musi River. Go to Kemaro Island. It is located in a small delta of the Musi River. It is about 6 kilometers from the Ampera Bridge. See the beautiful scenery from this island. If you are on this, visit various temples and attend festivals. Visit Monpera, or the Monument of People's Struggle. It was builtto honor and commemorate the struggle against the Dutch colonialists. The monument is known for its jasmine flower-shaped structure. The seventh level of the building provides a stunning view of downtown Palembang, including the Grand Mosque of Palembang. Visit Sriwijaya Kingdom Archaeological Park. It is located near the banks of Musi River. It is close to Palembang. This park has many artifacts unearthed such as Buddhist statues, beads, and pottery items, China clay pots, and ceramics. In this place was found human-made canals, ponds, moats, roadways, and artificial islands. Shop at Palembang Icon. Palembang Icon is a shopping mall which has multiple stores and showrooms of famous international and local brands. If you are here, you can see beautiful views of the Palembang city from a balcony on the top floor. Adopted from: https://www.holidify.com/places/places/palembang/sightseeing-and-things-to-do/html (April 14, 2020) "The seventh level of the building provides a stunning view of downtown Palembang, ...." (Tip 3) What is the synonym of the underlined word?

This text for questions 14 to 17.

    Palembang is recognized as one of the oldest cities in Indonesia. It is the capital city of South Sumatra. It occupies the lowland that is situated to the east of the Bukit Barisan Mountains. The city is also known as Kota Pempek. If you visit this city, don't forget to:

  1. See Ampera Bridge. The bridge connects Sebera Ulu and Seberang Ilir which are separated by Musi River. The bridge stands with a length of 225 meters and a span of 61 meters with a 9-meter clearance beneath it. You can pass the bridge or see the bridge from the side of Musi River.
  2. Go to Kemaro Island. It is located in a small delta of the Musi River. It is about 6 kilometers from the Ampera Bridge. See the beautiful scenery from this island. If you are on this, visit various temples and attend festivals.
  3. Visit Monpera, or the Monument of People's Struggle. It was built to honor and commemorate the struggle against the Dutch colonialists. The monument is known for its jasmine flower-shaped structure. The seventh level of the building provides a stunning view of downtown Palembang, including the Grand Mosque of Palembang.
  4. Visit Sriwijaya Kingdom Archaeological Park. It is located near the banks of Musi River. It is close to Palembang. This park has many artifacts unearthed such as Buddhist statues, beads, and pottery items, China clay pots, and ceramics. In this place was found human-made canals, ponds, moats, roadways, and artificial islands.
  5. Shop at Palembang Icon. Palembang Icon is a shopping mall which has multiple stores and showrooms of famous international and local brands. If you are here, you can see beautiful views of the Palembang city from a balcony on the top floor.

Adopted from: https://www.holidify.com/places/places/palembang/sightseeing-and-things-to-do/html (April 14, 2020)

"The seventh level of the building provides a stunning view of downtown Palembang, ...." (Tip 3)
What is the synonym of the underlined word? 

  1. Perfectundefined 

  2. Famousundefined 

  3. Advancedundefined 

  4. Fascinatingundefined 

  5. Distinctiveundefined 


M. Herlina

Master Teacher

Mahasiswa/Alumni Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Jawaban terverifikasi


jawaban yang benar adalah D.

jawaban yang benar adalah D.



"The seventh level of the building provides a stunning view of downtown Palembang, ...." (Tip 3) artinya"Gedung di lantai tujuh memberikan pemandangan pusat kota Palembang yang menakjubkan, ...." Soal di atas meminta kita mencari persamaan kata dari kata yang diberi garis bawah (What is the synonym of the underlined word?). Kata yang diberi garis bawah dalam potongan kalimat di atas adalah stunning yang artinya menakjubkan. Pilihan jawaban yang tersedia adalah: A. perfect = sempurna B. famous = terkenal C. advanced = maju D. fascinating = mempesona E. distinctive = khusus Dari pilihan jawaban yang tersedia, kata yang memiliki makna sama dengan sopphisticated adalah fascinating = mempesona. Jadi, jawaban yang benar adalah D.

"The seventh level of the building provides a stunning view of downtown Palembang, ...." (Tip 3) artinya "Gedung di lantai tujuh memberikan pemandangan pusat kota Palembang yang menakjubkan, ...."

Soal di atas meminta kita mencari persamaan kata dari kata yang diberi garis bawah (What is the synonym of the underlined word?). Kata yang diberi garis bawah dalam potongan kalimat di atas adalah stunning yang artinya menakjubkan. Pilihan jawaban yang tersedia adalah:

A. perfect = sempurna

B. famous = terkenal 

C. advanced = maju 

D. fascinating = mempesona

E. distinctive = khusus

Dari pilihan jawaban yang tersedia, kata yang memiliki makna sama dengan sopphisticated adalah fascinating = mempesona.

Jadi, jawaban yang benar adalah D.

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Pertanyaan serupa

Read the following jumbled letters and their synonym. Arrange the letters into meaningful words and explain their meanings. a-t-c-e-l-k:to deal with



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