


Question 8 and 9 are based on the following text!

    Uranus, the first planet discovered in modern times, was named after the Greek deity, the earliest supreme God. It was discovered by William Herschel while systematically searching the sky with his telescope on March 13, 1781. It had actually been seen many times before but ignored as simply another star. The earliest recorded sighting was in 1690 when John Flamsted classified it as 34 Tauri. Herschel named it "the Georgium Sidus" (the Georgian Planet) to honor his patron King George Ill of England. Others called it "Herschel". The name "Uranus" was first recommended by Bode, but it was not commonly used until 1850. Uranus has been visited by only one spacecraft, Voyager 2 on Jan 24, 1986.

    Most of the planets spin on an axis nearly perpendicular to the plane of the ecliptic, but Uranus' axis is almost parallel to the ecliptic. At the time of Voyager 2's passage, Uranus' south pole was pointed almost directly at the Sun, so Uranus' polar regions receive more energy input from the Sun than do its equatorial regions. Uranus is nevertheless hotter at its equator than at its poles. The mechanism underlying this is unknown.

    Actually, there's an ongoing battle over which of Uranus' poles is its north pole. Either its axial inclination is a bit over 90 degrees and its rotation is direct, or it's a bit less than 90 degrees and the rotation is retrograde. The problem is that you need to draw a dividing line somewhere because in a case like Venus, there is little dispute that the rotation is indeed retrograde (not a direct rotation with an inclination of nearly 180).

This passage would probably be assigned reading in which of the following course? (SOAL SIMAK UI2019)

This passage would probably be assigned reading in which of the following course?


  1. physics

  2. geology

  3. astrology 

  4. astronomy

  5. geography


B. Atlaliust

Master Teacher

Mahasiswa/Alumni Universitas Negeri Medan

Jawaban terverifikasi


jawaban yang benar adalah D.

jawaban yang benar adalah D.



Jawaban yang benar dari soal ini adalah D. Soal ini menanyakan mata pelajaran apa yang mungkin menjadikan teks tersebut sebagai bacaan wajib. Pada teks tersebut, penulis menjelaskan planet Uranus, mulai dari sejarah penamaannya hingga penjelasan mengenai aksisnya yang berbeda dari planet lain. Cabang ilmu yang mempelajari benda-benda yang ada di luar angkasa adalah astronomi atau " astronomy " . Jadi, jawaban yang benar adalah D.

Jawaban yang benar dari soal ini adalah D.

Soal ini menanyakan mata pelajaran apa yang mungkin menjadikan teks tersebut sebagai bacaan wajib.

Pada teks tersebut, penulis menjelaskan planet Uranus, mulai dari sejarah penamaannya hingga penjelasan mengenai aksisnya yang berbeda dari planet lain.

Cabang ilmu yang mempelajari benda-benda yang ada di luar angkasa adalah astronomi atau "astronomy".

Jadi, jawaban yang benar adalah D.

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di sesi Live Teaching, GRATIS!




Pertanyaan serupa

Which of the following best describes the organization of this text?



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