

This graph for question number 9 - 10 Based on the information on the image above, the forming of rain mainly consists of following processes, except ...

This graph for question number 9 - 10

Based on the information on the image above, the forming of rain mainly consists of following processes, except ...

  1. When the sun heats up the waters in oceans, lakes, and other bodies of water and changes them into a gas

  2. When plants lose water in the form of water vapor and send them  back up into the air.

  3. When the water vapor in the air becomes cold and changes back into a liquid.

  4. When the air can no longer hold water that had been evaporated, the clouds get heavy, and the evaporated water falls back to the earth

  5. When excess storm water, meltwater, or other sources flows over the earth's surface.

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Y. Yuli.Widya

Master Teacher

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Berdasarkan informasi yang diperoleh dari gambar, proses pembentukan hujan melibatkan (1) penguapan air laut ke udara oleh matahari; (2) penguapan air pepohonan; (3) pengembunan uap air di udara; dan (4) jatuhnya uap air sebagai hujan. Adapun proses terakhir (5) pengaliran air kembali ke laut termasuk bagian dari siklus air secara keseluruhan.

Berdasarkan informasi yang diperoleh dari gambar, proses pembentukan hujan melibatkan (1) penguapan air laut ke udara oleh matahari; (2) penguapan air pepohonan; (3) pengembunan uap air di udara; dan (4) jatuhnya uap air sebagai hujan. Adapun proses terakhir (5) pengaliran air kembali ke laut termasuk bagian dari siklus air secara keseluruhan.

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Pertanyaan serupa

From the diagram above, we can conclude that…..



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