
This dialogue is for question 1 Ferry: Do you know Arya's house? Doni: Yes, I do. His house is big. Ferry: Is it near our school? Doni: Yes, it is. It is not far from here. Just about 500 meter. Ferry: Really? Doni: Yes, I have gone there. The fence is red.There is shady mango tree in front of his house Ferry: Let's go to his house! The purpose of the dialogue is to....

This dialogue is for question 1

Ferry: Do you know Arya's house?
Doni:  Yes, I do. His house is big.
Ferry: Is it near our school?
Doni: Yes, it is. It is not far from here. Just about 500 meter.
Ferry: Really?
Doni: Yes, I have gone there. The fence is red.There is shady mango tree in front of his house
Ferry: Let's go to his house!

The purpose of the dialogue is to....

  1.  identify a thing

  2. identify a person

  3. criticize a thing

  4.  praise a person

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A. Mulyanto

Master Teacher

Mahasiswa/Alumni IKIP PGRI Semarang

Jawaban terverifikasi


jawabannya adalah A . identifya thing.

jawabannya adalah A. identify a thing.


Tujuan dari dialog ini adalah mendeskripsikan sebuah benda (identify a thing.) Dalam teks ini mereka bertanya dan mendeskripsikan rumah Arya. Dengan demikian, jawabannya adalah A . identifya thing.

Tujuan dari dialog ini adalah mendeskripsikan sebuah benda (identify a thing.) Dalam teks ini mereka bertanya dan mendeskripsikan rumah Arya.

Dengan demikian, jawabannya adalah A. identify a thing.

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