


Dear Rina,

    I've spent several days in San Francisco and I'm still not tired of this city. People in San Francisco are friendly and helpful.

    I have an interesting story about that. It happened the day after my mother and I arrived in San Francisco. My father took us sightseeing in a rented car. We arrived at this beautiful spot where you can see the view of the bay from the top of the steps, which seem to reach all the way down the hill.

    My dad stayed in the car while my mum and I got out of the car to take pictures. We were taking turns posing and taking pictures when I spotted a man in his sports gear, carrying his bicycle, climbing the steep steps. I was fascinated by the man and kept on watching him as he finished his ascent, gasping for air. But, we were slightly surprised when he suddenly approached us and extended his hand as if asking for our camera. We thought he was going to harm us, since he was still breathing heavily and could not say a word. Moreover, he looked so menacing with those cycling-glasses. But then he explained, with gestures, that he just wanted to help us take our pictures. Oh, thank God! So we gave him our camera and let him take our picture. I'm still a bit ashamed when I think of it. We had misjudged that stranger. As it turned out, he only wanted to help us. Well, let that be a lesson! Don't judge a book by its cover and don't always think negatively of a stranger.

    Well, that's all for now. I'll be back to Indonesia next week with lots of pictures and stories.



These statements about the letter are all wrong. Correct them. Number one has been done for you. They were sunbathing when Nindya spotted a man climbing the steep steps carrying his bicycle.

These statements about the letter are all wrong. Correct them. Number one has been done for you.

They were sunbathing when Nindya spotted a man climbing the steep steps carrying his bicycle.


B. Atlaliust

Master Teacher

Mahasiswa/Alumni Universitas Negeri Medan

Jawaban terverifikasi


jawaban yang benar adalah "They weren't sunbathing when Nindya spotted a man climbing the steep steps carrying his bicycle. They were taking turns posing and taking pictures. "

jawaban yang benar adalah "They weren't sunbathing when Nindya spotted a man climbing the steep steps carrying his bicycle. They were taking turns posing and taking pictures."



Jawaban untuk soal ini adalah "They weren't sunbathing when Nindya spotted a man climbing the steep steps carrying his bicycle. They were taking turns posing and taking pictures. " Soal ini menanyakan pernyataan yang benar berdasarkan surat. Kalimat " They were sunbathing when Nindya spotted a man climbing the steep steps carrying his bicycle. " bermakna "Mereka sedang berjemur ketika Nindya melihat seorang pria menaiki tangga curam membawa sepedanya." Berdasarkan surat, dapat disimpulkan bahwa mereka tidak sedang berjemur ketika Nindya melihat seorang pria menaiki tangga curam membawa sepedanya, melainkan mereka sedang berpose dan berfotosebagaimana ditunjukan pada kalimat " We were taking turns posing and taking pictures whenI spotteda man in his sports gear, carrying his bicycle, climbing the steep steps. " yang artinya "Kami bergiliran berpose dan mengambil gambar ketika saya melihat seorang pria dengan perlengkapan olahraganya, membawa sepedanya, menaiki tangga yang curam." Dengan demikian, jawaban yang benar adalah "They weren't sunbathing when Nindya spotted a man climbing the steep steps carrying his bicycle. They were taking turns posing and taking pictures. "

Jawaban untuk soal ini adalah "They weren't sunbathing when Nindya spotted a man climbing the steep steps carrying his bicycle. They were taking turns posing and taking pictures."

Soal ini menanyakan pernyataan yang benar berdasarkan surat.

Kalimat "They were sunbathing when Nindya spotted a man climbing the steep steps carrying his bicycle." bermakna "Mereka sedang berjemur ketika Nindya melihat seorang pria menaiki tangga curam membawa sepedanya."

Berdasarkan surat, dapat disimpulkan bahwa mereka tidak sedang berjemur ketika Nindya melihat seorang pria menaiki tangga curam membawa sepedanya, melainkan mereka sedang berpose dan berfoto sebagaimana ditunjukan pada kalimat "We were taking turns posing and taking pictures when I spotted a man in his sports gear, carrying his bicycle, climbing the steep steps." yang artinya "Kami bergiliran berpose dan mengambil gambar ketika saya melihat seorang pria dengan perlengkapan olahraganya, membawa sepedanya, menaiki tangga yang curam."

Dengan demikian, jawaban yang benar adalah "They weren't sunbathing when Nindya spotted a man climbing the steep steps carrying his bicycle. They were taking turns posing and taking pictures."

Perdalam pemahamanmu bersama Master Teacher
di sesi Live Teaching, GRATIS!




Pertanyaan serupa

These statements about the letter are all wrong. Correct them. Number one has been done for you. Her father took them sightseeing in a taxi.



Jawaban terverifikasi


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