


There are people dying And it's time to lend a hand to life The greatest gift of all We can't go on pretending day by day That someone, will soon make a change We are all a part of Gods great big family And the truth, you know, Love is all we need [Ref) We are the worid, we are the children We are the ones who make a brighter day So let's start giving There's a choice we're making We're saving our own lives Its true we'll make a better day Just you and me Send them your heart so they'll know that someone cares And their lives will be stronger and free As God has shown us by turning stones to bread So we all must lend a helping hand (Back to Ref) When you're down and out, there seems no hope at all But if you just believe there's no way we can fall well well well well Let us realize that a change can only come When we stand together as one (Back to Ref: x2] Answer the questions about the song lyric above! What does the stanza mean? "There comes a time when we heed a certain call When the world must come together as one There are people dying And it's time to lend a hand to life in The greatest gift of all" ____

There are people dying
And it's time to lend a hand to life
The greatest gift of all

We can't go on pretending day by day
That someone, will soon make a change
We are all a part of Gods great big family
And the truth, you know,
Love is all we need

We are the worid, we are the children
We are the ones who make a brighter day
So let's start giving
There's a choice we're making
We're saving our own lives
Its true we'll make a better day
Just you and me

Send them your heart so they'll know that someone cares
And their lives will be stronger and free
As God has shown us by turning stones to bread
So we all must lend a helping hand
(Back to Ref)

When you're down and out, there seems no hope at all
But if you just believe there's no way we can fall well well well well
Let us realize that a change can only come
When we stand together as one
(Back to Ref: x2]

Answer the questions about the song lyric above!

What does the stanza mean?
"There comes a time when we heed a certain call
When the world must come together as one
There are people dying
And it's time to lend a hand to life in
The greatest gift of all"



T. Tuawapat

Master Teacher

Jawaban terverifikasi


jawaban yang benar adalah this stanza is about helping other people in need .

jawaban yang benar adalah this stanza is about helping other people in need . 



Dalam bahasa Indonesia, penggalan lagu di atas diterjemahkan "Ada saatnya ketika kita mengindahkan panggilan tertentu Saat dunia harus bersatu. Ada orang yang sekarat/bersusah payah Dan inilah saatnya untuk membantu". Inti dari penggalan ini adalah pentingnya membantu sesama manusia yang sedang membutuhkan. Jadi jawaban yang benar adalah this stanza is about helping other people in need .

Dalam bahasa Indonesia, penggalan lagu di atas diterjemahkan "Ada saatnya ketika kita mengindahkan panggilan tertentu Saat dunia harus bersatu. Ada orang yang sekarat/bersusah payah Dan inilah saatnya untuk membantu". Inti dari penggalan ini adalah pentingnya membantu sesama manusia yang sedang membutuhkan.

Jadi jawaban yang benar adalah this stanza is about helping other people in need . 

Perdalam pemahamanmu bersama Master Teacher
di sesi Live Teaching, GRATIS!


Nabilla Azzahra N

Makasih ❤️



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