

There are many things here. You can see there are twenty chairs and twenty four tables for students, one chair and one table for the teacher. In the front wall (1) ___ a wide white board, a calender, a school regulation banner, and class data board. There is a wall clock above the class data. You can (2)___ the picture of Mr President and Mr Vice President above the white board. There is also an Indonesia Symbol 'Garuda Pancasila' (3)___ them. At the back, there is abook shelf. Beside it, there is a wall magazine hanging on the wall. The class room is large and clean. There are three windows next to the door, and four windows at the other side of the room. I like study in here.

There are many things here. You can see there are twenty chairs and twenty four tables for students, one chair and one table for the teacher. In the front wall (1) ___ a wide white board, a calender, a school regulation banner, and class data board. There is a wall clock above the class data. You can (2)___ the picture of Mr President and Mr Vice President above the white board. There is also an Indonesia Symbol 'Garuda Pancasila' (3)___ them. At the back, there is abook shelf. Beside it, there is a wall magazine hanging on the wall. The class room is large and clean. There are three windows next to the door, and four windows at the other side of the room. I like study in here.

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R. Rani

Master Teacher

Jawaban terverifikasi


jawabannya adalah There is also an Indonesia Symbol 'Garuda Pancasila' between them.

jawabannya adalah There is also an Indonesia Symbol 'Garuda Pancasila' between them.


Soal menanyakan kata yang tepat untuk melengkapi rumpang kalimat pada wacana. Bagian rumpang nomor 3 bermakna "Ada juga lambang negara Indonesia ‘Garuda Pancasila’ ____ gambar.” Berdasarkan konteks, kata yang sesuai adalah di antara atau between. Dengan demikian, jawabannya adalah There is also an Indonesia Symbol 'Garuda Pancasila' between them.

Soal menanyakan kata yang tepat untuk melengkapi rumpang kalimat pada wacana.

Bagian rumpang nomor 3 bermakna "Ada juga lambang negara Indonesia ‘Garuda Pancasila’ ____ gambar.”

Berdasarkan konteks, kata yang sesuai adalah di antara atau between.

Dengan demikian, jawabannya adalah There is also an Indonesia Symbol 'Garuda Pancasila' between them.

Perdalam pemahamanmu bersama Master Teacher
di sesi Live Teaching, GRATIS!



Pertanyaan serupa

Choose the best answer! Dian eats spicy food at ____ when the bell school is ringing



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