


    One of the interesting things about South Kalimantan is its floating market called Muara Kuin at Barito River, Banjarmasin.

   Early in the morning, at about six, sellers come to the floating market to sell their goods on traditional boats called 'klotok'. They sell daily needs, such as fruits, fish, vegetables and meat. Some 'klotoks' even act as mini floating restaurants. they sell snacks and meals. 

    Most of the sellers are women. They are good at rowing their small boats called 'jukung', selling their goods. They usually wear traditional wide hats to cover their faces from the sun.undefined 

The text mostly tell us about ....

The text mostly tell us about .... 

  1. the floating market at Barito Riverundefined 

  2. the sellers at the floating market at Barito Riverundefined 

  3. the things sold at the floating market at Barito Riverundefined 

  4. the use of traditional boats at Barito Riverundefined 


B. Syamsul

Master Teacher

Mahasiswa/Alumni Universitas PGRI Ronggolawe Tuban

Jawaban terverifikasi


jawaban yang tepat adalah (A).

jawaban yang tepat adalah (A).undefined 



Topik dari descriptive text di atas bisa kita lihat pada bagian identification yang berbunyi "One of the interesting things about South Kalimantan is its floating market called Muara Kuin at Barito River, Banjarmasin". Dari bagian ini bisa kita tentukan bahwa topiknya adalah the floating market at Barito River. Jadi, jawaban yang tepat adalah (A).

Topik dari descriptive text di atas bisa kita lihat pada bagian identification yang berbunyi "One of the interesting things about South Kalimantan is its floating market called Muara Kuin at Barito River, Banjarmasin". Dari bagian ini bisa kita tentukan bahwa topiknya adalah the floating market at Barito River.

Jadi, jawaban yang tepat adalah (A).undefined 

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