
The text is for the following question. There was once a boy who lived only with his mother. They lived happily in an old house which consisted of many rooms. They had a lovely living room, a dining room, a kitchen, two very large bedrooms, a bathroom, a study room, and a cozy veranda. They even had a playroom filled with a lot of toys, but only did one room heldthe boy’s curiosity the most, the basement. The boy often heard noises from the basement. His mother told him not to godown there, but the boy’s curiosity was at its peak. He wanted to see what was making that noise. It sounded like a puppy, and he wanted to see the puppy, so he opened the basement door and tiptoed down a bit, but he didn’t see it.Then, when her mother found out, she yanked him out of the basement and yelled at him. “You are a naughty boy! Haven’t I told you not to go there?”. His mother had never yelled at him before, and it made him sad and he cried. “Don’t ever dare go into the basement again!” she said with a softer tone this time, and she gave the boy a cookie. That made him feel better, so the boy didn’t ask her why the girl in the basement was making noises like a puppy, or why she had no hands or feet. " It sounded like a puppy,..." (paragraph 2) The underlined wordrefers to ....

The text is for the following question.

    There was once a boy who lived only with his mother. They lived happily in an old house which consisted of many rooms. They had a lovely living room, a dining room, a kitchen, two very large bedrooms, a bathroom, a study room, and a cozy veranda. They even had a playroom filled with a lot of toys, but only did one room held the boy’s curiosity the most, the basement.

    The boy often heard noises from the basement. His mother told him not to go down there, but the boy’s curiosity was at its peak. He wanted to see what was making that noise. It sounded like a puppy, and he wanted to see the puppy, so he opened the basement door and tiptoed down a bit, but he didn’t see it. Then, when her mother found out, she yanked him out of the basement and yelled at him. “You are a naughty boy! Haven’t I told you not to go there?”. His mother had never yelled at him before, and it made him sad and he cried. “Don’t ever dare go into the basement again!” she said with a softer tone this time, and she gave the boy a cookie. That made him feel better, so the boy didn’t ask her why the girl in the basement was making noises like a puppy, or why she had no hands or feet.

"It sounded like a puppy,..." (paragraph 2)

The underlined word refers to .... space 

  1. the mysterious puppy space 

  2. the source of the noise space 

  3. the boy’s favorite animal space 

  4. the basement in his house space 

  5. the ghost in the basement space 

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H. Helen

Master Teacher

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pilihan jawaban yang tepat adalah B.

pilihan jawaban yang tepat adalah B. space 


Perhatikan kalimat yang muncul sebelum kata " it " tersebut! " He wanted to see what was making that noise. It sounded like a puppy,.... " Kalimat “ He wanted to see what was making that noise ” artinya “Dia ingin melihat apa yang menimbulkan suara tersebut ”. Dengan demikian, kata “ it ” pada kalimat selanjutnya merujuk pada sumber suara yang didengar oleh anak tersebut. Jadi, pilihan jawaban yang tepat adalah B .

Perhatikan kalimat yang muncul sebelum kata "it" tersebut!

"He wanted to see what was making that noise. It sounded like a puppy,...."

Kalimat “He wanted to see what was making that noise” artinya “Dia ingin melihat apa yang menimbulkan suara tersebut”. Dengan demikian, kata “it” pada kalimat selanjutnya merujuk pada sumber suara yang didengar oleh anak tersebut.

Jadi, pilihan jawaban yang tepat adalah Bspace 

Perdalam pemahamanmu bersama Master Teacher
di sesi Live Teaching, GRATIS!


Pertanyaan serupa

The text is for the following question. One day, there were two men named Bayu and Danang. They were friends. On a fine day, they went walking to a forest, enjoying the beauty of nature. Suddenly...



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