


The text is for the following question. Integrated Pest Management There is no best way to deal with pests in agriculture. Pesticides which are commonly used may cause many problems. I think combining different management operations is the most effective way to control pests. Firstly, the chemicals in the pesticides may build up as residues in the environment and in the soil which absorbs the chemicals. This reduces the quality of farm product. Secondly, pests can gradually become resistant to pesticides. This means that newer and stronger ones have to be developed. Lastly, some pesticides affect non target plants and animals such as fish and bees. This affects the ecology and environment as well. So, understanding of ecology of an area helps a lot in pest control. Pesticides should be chosen and applied carefully so that they don't affect the ecological balance and environment. Therefore, integrated pest management is a safe and more effective option to fight pest in agriculture and livestock. We can conclude fromthe text that the writer's attitude toward integratedis best described as ....

The text is for the following question.

Integrated Pest Management

    There is no best way to deal with pests in agriculture. Pesticides which are commonly used may cause many problems. I think combining different management operations is the most effective way to control pests.

    Firstly, the chemicals in the pesticides may build up as residues in the environment and in the soil which absorbs the chemicals. This reduces the quality of farm product.

    Secondly, pests can gradually become resistant to pesticides. This means that newer and stronger ones have to be developed.

    Lastly, some pesticides affect non target plants and animals such as fish and bees. This affects the ecology and environment as well. So, understanding of ecology of an area helps a lot in pest control. Pesticides should be chosen and applied carefully so that they don't affect the ecological balance and environment.

    Therefore, integrated pest management is a safe and more effective option to fight pest in agriculture and livestock.

We can conclude from the text that the writer's attitude toward integrated is best described as .... 

  1. criticalspace space space

  2. subjectivespace space space

  3. approvingspace space space

  4. concernedspace space space

  5. informativespace space space


S. Selena

Master Teacher

Jawaban terverifikasi


jawaban yang tepatadalah B.

jawaban yang tepat adalah B.  



Pada paragraf pertama, penulis menyatakan bahwa menggabungkan tindakan dalam menangani hama adalah cara yang paling efektif. Penulis menguatkan pernyataan tersebut dengan menuliskan argumen pada paragraf kedua, ketiga dan keempat. Pada paragraf terakhir, penulis kembali menegaskan bahwa manajemen hama yang terintegrasi adalah pilihan paling aman dan efektif untuk menangani hama baik di dunia pertanian maupun peternakan. Dengan demikian, kita bisa menyimpulkan bahwa sikap penulis terhadapmanajemen hama terintegrasi adalah approving (setuju/mendukung). Jadi, jawaban yang tepatadalah B .

Pada paragraf pertama, penulis menyatakan bahwa menggabungkan tindakan dalam menangani hama adalah cara yang paling efektif. Penulis menguatkan pernyataan tersebut dengan menuliskan argumen pada paragraf kedua, ketiga dan keempat. Pada paragraf terakhir, penulis kembali menegaskan bahwa manajemen hama yang terintegrasi adalah pilihan paling aman dan efektif untuk menangani hama baik di dunia pertanian maupun peternakan.

Dengan demikian, kita bisa menyimpulkan bahwa sikap penulis terhadap manajemen hama terintegrasi adalah approving (setuju/mendukung).

Jadi, jawaban yang tepat adalah B.  

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