

Read the following text and answer the question!

    Sometimes the hardest thing about saving money is just getting started. This step-by-step guide on how to save money can help you develop a simple and realistic plan to save for goals, big or small.

  1. Record your expenses. The first step to saving money is to figure out how much you spend. Keep track of all your expenses-that means every coffee, household items, and cash tips. Once you have your data, organize the numbers by categories, such as gas, groceries and mortgage, and total each amount.
  2. Make a budget. Once you have an idea of what you spend in a month, you can begin to organize your recorded expenses into a workable budget. Your budget should outline how your expenses measure up to your income--so you can plan your spending and limit overspending. In addition to your monthly expenses, be sure to factor in expenses that occur regularly but not every month, such as car maintenance.
  3. Plan on saving money. Now that you've made a budget, create a savings category within it. Try to save 10 to 15 percent of your income. If your expenses are so high that you can't save that much, it might be time to cut back. To do so, identify nonessentials that you can spend less on, such as entertainment and dining out, and find ways to save on your fixed monthly expenses.
  4. Choose something to save for. One of the best ways to save money is to set a goal. Start by thinking of what you might want to save for--perhaps you're getting married, planning a vacation or saving for retirement. Then, figure out how much money you'll need and how long it might take you to save it.
  5. Decide on your priorities. After your expenses and income, your goals are likely to have the biggest impact on how you allocate your savings. Be sure to remember long-term goals--it's important that planning for retirement doesn't take a back seat to shorter-term needs. Learn how to prioritize your savings goals so you have a clear idea of where to start saving.
  6. Pick the right tools. You don't have to pick just one account. Look carefully at all of your options and consider things like balance minimums, fees, and interest rates, so you can choose the mix that will help you best save for your goals.

(Adopted from: https://bettermoneyhabits.bankofamerica.com/en/saving-budgeting/ways-to-save-money (April 20, 2019))

The text is beneficial to make people be ____.

The text is beneficial to make people be ____. 

  1. thriftyundefined 

  2. creativeundefined 

  3. futuristicundefined 

  4. honestundefined 

  5. carefulundefined 

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N. Puspita

Master Teacher

Jawaban terverifikasi


jawaban yang tepat adalah A. thrifty .

jawaban yang tepat adalah A. thrifty.



Soal tersebut menanyakan manfaat teks untuk orang-orang. untuk menjawab soalnya, bacalah paragraf pertama kalimat 2 sebagai berikut: This step by step guide on how to save money can help you develop a simple and realistic plan to save for goals, big or goals artinya "petunjuk langkah demi langkah ini akan membantu kamu mengembangkan rencana sederhana dan realistis untuk menabung karena tujuan, besar atau kecil." Berdasarkan artinya, dapat diketahui bahwa teks di soal ini membahas tentang cara menabung. Oleh karena itu, teks ini akan bermanfaat untuk membuat orang menjadi "hemat" seperti yang tertulis di opsi A. Oleh karena itu, jawaban yang tepat adalah A. thrifty .

Soal tersebut menanyakan manfaat teks untuk orang-orang.

untuk menjawab soalnya, bacalah paragraf pertama kalimat 2 sebagai berikut:

This step by step guide on how to save money can help you develop a simple and realistic plan to save for goals, big or goals artinya "petunjuk langkah demi langkah ini akan membantu kamu mengembangkan rencana sederhana dan realistis untuk menabung karena tujuan, besar atau kecil."

Berdasarkan artinya, dapat diketahui bahwa teks di soal ini membahas tentang cara menabung. Oleh karena itu, teks ini akan bermanfaat untuk membuat orang menjadi "hemat" seperti yang tertulis di opsi A.

Oleh karena itu, jawaban yang tepat adalah A. thrifty.

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