

The text below has incomplete sentences. Choose the one word or phrase from each number that best completes the sentences. Bullying behavior, broadly described as intimidating or harassing another person through physical or verbal assaults and insults, can begin at any age, but it seems to be a particular problem among children and adolescents. (51) ____ it is usually a one-on-one behavior, bullying also has a broader social impact. Victims may feel humiliated, and thus (52) ____ in their peer group, while bullies may feel (53) ____ a position of superiority in the same group. Bullying behavior can continue into adulthood, although by that time it may be regarded as criminal behavior and result (54) ____ legal action (e.g. charges of "assault and battery"). The social stratification (55) ____ bullying is often a precursor of adult behavior. Children who are bullies may continue to intimidate, or to try to intimidate, their peers (56) ____ they are adults. Other adults learn to cope with (57) ____ behavior, either by standing up to it and challenging the bully or by ignoring the behavior and avoiding the bully. Adult society (58) ____ bullies and victims in different social groups. (59) ____ techniques for dealing with bullies is part of (60) ____ task of schools to create a safe environment for all children and to teach acceptable social behavior. Adapted from http://connection.ebscohost.com/education/bullying-school/definition-bullying-schools Accessed March 16,2014 (58) ____

The text below has incomplete sentences. Choose the one word or phrase from each number that best completes the sentences.

    Bullying behavior, broadly described as intimidating or harassing another person through physical or verbal assaults and insults, can begin at any age, but it seems to be a particular problem among children and adolescents. (51) ____ it is usually a one-on-one behavior, bullying also has a broader social impact. Victims may feel humiliated, and thus (52) ____ in their peer group, while bullies may feel (53) ____ a position of superiority in the same group. Bullying behavior can continue into adulthood, although by that time it may be regarded as criminal behavior and result (54) ____ legal action (e.g. charges of "assault and battery").

    The social stratification (55) ____ bullying is often a precursor of adult behavior. Children who are bullies may continue to intimidate, or to try to intimidate, their peers

(56) ____ they are adults. Other adults learn to cope with (57) ____ behavior, either by standing up to it and challenging the bully or by ignoring the behavior and avoiding the bully. Adult society (58) ____ bullies and victims in different social groups.

(59) ____ techniques for dealing with bullies is part of (60) ____ task of schools to create a safe environment for all children and to teach acceptable social behavior.

Adapted from http://connection.ebscohost.com/education/bullying-school/definition-bullying-schools Accessed March 16,2014

(58) ____

  1. often tends to place

  2. tends to often place

  3. placed often to tend

  4. often tends and places

  5. often tends placing

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D. Danti

Master Teacher

Jawaban terverifikasi


jawaban yang benar adalah A. often tends to place.

jawaban yang benar adalah A. often tends to place.



Jawaban untuk soal ini adalah A. often tends to place. Soal menanyakan susunan kata yang tepat untuk melengkapi bagian rumpang no 58. Arti dari kalimat rumpang yang dimaksud adalah “Masyarakat dewasa _ _ _ _ _ pelaku dan korban perundungan dalam kelompok sosial yang berbeda.” Kalimat tersebut dapat dilengkapi dengan frasa seringnya cenderung menempatkan . Dari pilihan yang tersedia, yang sesuai dengan pola often + verb + to infinitive adalah often tends to place . Kalimat rumpang tersebut setelah dilengkapi menjadi “Adult society often tends to place bullies and victims in different social groups.” Jadi, jawaban yang benar adalah A. often tends to place.

Jawaban untuk soal ini adalah A. often tends to place.

Soal menanyakan susunan kata yang tepat untuk melengkapi bagian rumpang no 58.

Arti dari kalimat rumpang yang dimaksud adalah “Masyarakat dewasa _ _ _ _ _ pelaku dan korban perundungan dalam kelompok sosial yang berbeda.”

Kalimat tersebut dapat dilengkapi dengan frasa seringnya cenderung menempatkan. Dari pilihan yang tersedia, yang sesuai dengan pola often + verb + to infinitive adalah often tends to place.

Kalimat rumpang tersebut setelah dilengkapi menjadi “Adult society often tends to place bullies and victims in different social groups.”

Jadi, jawaban yang benar adalah A. often tends to place.

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