


The question is based on the text. The United States and Germany are vying (1) to produce an exclusive vaccine against the coronavirus (2) which is being developed in a German laboratory , Die Welt daily reported Saturday.(3) According to the paper , US President Donald Trump is trying to poach German scientists (4) who are working on an experimental vaccine against a global health threat (5) that has now killed some 5,500 (6) people with a view to having an exclusive licence rolled out in the United States. Such a vaccine would be "only for the United States," a source close to the German government told Welt, (7) though Berlin is reportedly looking to make offers of(8) its own to biotech firm CureVac , based in the German state of Thuringia. The adjective clauses in the passage are shown by number ….

The question is based on the text.

    The United States and Germany are vying (1) to produce an exclusive vaccine against the coronavirus (2) which is being developed in a German laboratory, Die Welt daily reported Saturday. (3) According to the paper, US President Donald Trump is trying to poach German scientists (4) who are working on an experimental vaccine against a global health threat (5) that has now killed some 5,500 (6) people with a view to having an exclusive licence rolled out in the United States. Such a vaccine would be "only for the United States," a source close to the German government told Welt, (7) though Berlin is reportedly looking to make offers of (8) its own to biotech firm CureVac, based in the German state of Thuringia.

The adjective clauses in the passage are shown by number ….

  1. 1, 3, and 5

  2. 2, 4, and 8

  3. 3, 5, and 7

  4. 2, 4, and 5

  5. 1, 5, and 6


D. Danti

Master Teacher

Jawaban terverifikasi


jawaban yang tepat adalah D.

jawaban yang tepat adalah D.



Adjective clause adalah klausa yang digunakan untuk menerangkan kata/frasa benda. Klausa adjektiva ditandai penggunaan relative pronoun seperti who, whom, whose, that, which, when , dan where . Adjective clause pada teks ini adalah nomor 2 “ which is being developed in a German laboratory ” yang menjelaskan kata benda “ an exclusive vaccine ”.Klausa ini menerangkan bahwa vaksin eksklusif tersebut sedangan dikembangkan di laboratorium Jerman. Adjective clause lainnya adalahnomor 4 “ who are working on an experimental vaccine ” yang menjelaskan kata benda “ German scientists ”. Klausa ini menjelaskan bahwa ilmuan Jerman tersebut sedang mengerjakanvaksin yang sedang dalam percobaan. Adjective clause lainnya adalahnomor 5 “ that has now killed some 5,500 people ” yang menjelaskan kata benda “ a globalhealth threat ”. Klausa ini menjelaskan bahwa ancaman kesehatan global tersebut sudah membunuh sekitar 5,500 orang. Jadi, jawaban yang tepat adalah D.

Adjective clause adalah klausa yang digunakan untuk menerangkan kata/frasa benda. Klausa adjektiva ditandai penggunaan relative pronoun seperti who, whom, whose, that, which, when, dan where.

Adjective clause pada teks ini adalah nomor 2 “which is being developed in a German laboratory” yang menjelaskan kata benda “an exclusive vaccine”. Klausa ini menerangkan bahwa vaksin eksklusif tersebut sedangan dikembangkan di laboratorium Jerman.

Adjective clause lainnya adalah nomor who are working on an experimental vaccine” yang menjelaskan kata benda “German scientists”. Klausa ini menjelaskan bahwa ilmuan Jerman tersebut sedang mengerjakan vaksin yang sedang dalam percobaan.

Adjective clause lainnya adalah nomor 5 “that has now killed some 5,500 people” yang menjelaskan kata benda “a global health threat”. Klausa ini menjelaskan bahwa ancaman kesehatan global tersebut sudah membunuh sekitar 5,500 orang.

Jadi, jawaban yang tepat adalah D.

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