

The question is based on the picture . If the diagram is converted into paragraph, which of the following sentences can’t be included as details?

The question is based on the picture.

If the diagram is converted into paragraph, which of the following sentences can’t be included as details?

  1. The first step in the process is paper collecting. Used paper can be collected from schools, offices, or even people’s houses.undefined

  2. The diagram informs us about the process of paper recycling. There are six steps in the process and each step should be carefully done.undefined

  3. Now the paper is wound into a giant roll, which can be as wide as 30 feet, and weigh 20 tones. The roll is cut into smaller rolls, or sometimes sheets, before being ready for use.undefined

  4. After that, the paper is shredded and baled. Many businesses, offices, and some homes shred documents to protect sensitive information. Large amounts of graded paper, including shredded paper, are compressed by a machine into a bale shape before being transported to a paper mill.undefined

  5. At the paper mill, the graded paper is placed in a large vat and mixed with water. This process breaks down the paper into tiny strands of cellulose (organic plant material) fibers. Eventually, this turns into a mushy mixture called pulp. The pulp is then filtered and screened to remove contaminants such as glue and bits of plastic. undefined

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N. Supriyaningsih

Master Teacher

Jawaban terverifikasi


paragraf yang tidak bisa digunakan sebagai paragraf detail adalah B.

paragraf yang tidak bisa digunakan sebagai paragraf detail adalah B.


Paragraphdetails berisi informasi detail yang diperolah dari diagram tersebut. Informasi yang dapatdimasukkan ke dalam details adalah tahapan-tahapan yang harus dilalui dalam mendaur ulang kertas. Detail tersebut ditandai dengan nomor 1, 2, 3, dst.Jadi, pilihan A (langkah nomor 1), D(langkah nomor 3), E(langkah nomor 4), dan C(langkah nomor 5) termasuk ke dalam paragraph details , sedangkan pilihan B merupakan introduction paragraph . Jadi, paragraf yang tidak bisa digunakan sebagai paragraf detail adalah B.

Paragraph details berisi informasi detail yang diperolah dari diagram tersebut. Informasi yang dapat dimasukkan ke dalam details adalah tahapan-tahapan yang harus dilalui dalam mendaur ulang kertas. Detail tersebut ditandai dengan nomor 1, 2, 3, dst. Jadi, pilihan A (langkah nomor 1), D (langkah nomor 3), E (langkah nomor 4), dan C (langkah nomor 5) termasuk ke dalam paragraph details, sedangkan pilihan B merupakan introduction paragraph.

Jadi, paragraf yang tidak bisa digunakan sebagai paragraf detail adalah B.

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Look at the map and answer the question! What is the diagram probably about?



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