

The question is based on the following text. The Car of The Future Here is the car of the future! This car is the opposite of today's cars; today's cars are noisy and dirty, this one is silent and clean. Today's cars have wheels, this one does not. It moves like a snail, but much faster than a snail. This car will use electric energy, not petrol or gasolene; it will have batteries that can be recharged instantly from chargers in the road. It will also be very easy to drive. In fact, you won't need to drive it; it will drive itself. You will just need to tell the computer: "Go to X" and the car will go there. Also, it will reach X very quickly, much faster than today's cars. It will also be very safe and comfortable. A lot of the technology already exists, but it is very experimental. Already today scientists are developing new materials for the surface of roads. In fifty years from now, perhaps sooner, some new roads will capture solar energy: they will store this energy under the road, and some cars will be able to use it. However you probably won't ever drive a "snail car", even if you're under 20 today. This, perhaps, is the car of the year 2100, the car that your grandchildren will maybe drive. Driving will be nice in the 22nd century! No pollution, no traffic-jams, no stress. If, of course, we reach the 22nd century. With all today's problems of global warming, pollution, and natural resources, nothing is certain any more. Scientists have lots of ideas about the car of the future: but the future itself is perhaps less sure. The car of the future will be very ____ the today’s car.

The question is based on the following text.

The Car of The Future

    Here is the car of the future! This car is the opposite of today's cars; today's cars are noisy and dirty, this one is silent and clean. Today's cars have wheels, this one does not. It moves like a snail, but much faster than a snail.
This car will use electric energy, not petrol or gasolene; it will have batteries that can be recharged instantly from chargers in the road. It will also be very easy to drive.

     In fact, you won't need to drive it; it will drive itself. You will just need to tell the computer: "Go to X" and the car will go there. Also, it will reach X very quickly, much faster than today's cars. It will also be very safe and comfortable.
A lot of the technology already exists, but it is very experimental. Already today scientists are developing new materials for the surface of roads. In fifty years from now, perhaps sooner, some new roads will capture solar energy: they will store this energy under the road, and some cars will be able to use it.

    However you probably won't ever drive a "snail car", even if you're under 20 today. This, perhaps, is the car of the year 2100, the car that your grandchildren will maybe drive. Driving will be nice in the 22nd century! No pollution, no traffic-jams, no stress. If, of course, we reach the 22nd century. With all today's problems of global warming, pollution, and natural resources, nothing is certain any more. Scientists have lots of ideas about the car of the future: but the future itself is perhaps less sure. 

The car of the future will be very ____ the today’s car.

  1. similar with  

  2. different fromspace 

  3. similar tospace 

  4. different tospace 

  5. same with

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A. Ainun

Master Teacher

Jawaban terverifikasi


pilihan jawaban yang tepat adalah B.

pilihan jawaban yang tepat adalah B.space 


Arti kalimat pada soal adalah 'Mobil masa depan akan sangat ____dengan mobil saat ini'. Berdasarkan opsi, kalimat ini perlu dilengkapi dengan frasa preposisi atau prepositional phrase yang tepat. Pada bagian awal teks terdapat kalimat This car is the opposite of today's cars yang menunjukkan bahwa mobil di masa depansangat berbeda dengan mobil pada saat ini. Pilihan yang mungkin benar adalah B ( different from ) dan D ( different to ). Preposisi yang tepat untuk mengikuti kata different adalah from. Jadi, pilihan jawaban yang tepat adalah B.

Arti kalimat pada soal adalah 'Mobil masa depan akan sangat ____ dengan mobil saat ini'. Berdasarkan opsi, kalimat ini perlu dilengkapi dengan frasa preposisi atau prepositional phrase yang tepat.

Pada bagian awal teks terdapat kalimat This car is the opposite of today's cars yang menunjukkan bahwa mobil di masa depan sangat berbeda dengan mobil pada saat ini. Pilihan yang mungkin benar adalah B (different from) dan D (different to).

Preposisi yang tepat untuk mengikuti kata different adalah from. 

Jadi, pilihan jawaban yang tepat adalah B.space 

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Pertanyaan serupa

While a star burns fuel, it will ____ an outward push that counters the inward pull of gravity.



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