


The question is based on the following text. Mr. Dennis Effenberg Aviacom Technology Domina Street Newhome City Dear Mr. Dennis Effenberg, In response to your letter of January 15, 2020, we apologize for the loss of 10 computers the shipment. We are sending the additional 50 computers immediately as compensation for the loss. We value our relationship with your company, and we regret the inconvenience . You can be assured that this will not happen again in the future. We also enclose some catalogues of our new products. Sincerely yours, Joe Dominic Manager We know from the letter that Mr. Dominic apologized because ….

The question is based on the following text.

Mr. Dennis Effenberg
Aviacom Technology
Domina Street
Newhome City

Dear Mr. Dennis Effenberg,

    In response to your letter of January 15, 2020, we apologize for the loss of 10 computers the shipment. We are sending the additional 50 computers immediately as compensation for the loss.

    We value our relationship with your company, and we regret the inconvenience. You can be assured that this will not happen again in the future. We also enclose some catalogues of our new products.

Sincerely yours,
Joe Dominic

We know from the letter that Mr. Dominic apologized because …. 

  1. his reputation was at stakeundefined 

  2. he has to keep his name cleanundefined 

  3. he doesn't want Mr. Effenberg sue his companyundefined 

  4. he needs to keep his relationship with Mr. Effenberg aliveundefined 

  5. he wants to keep the relationship with Aviacom Technology strongundefined 


A. Mufida

Master Teacher

Jawaban terverifikasi


pilihan jawaban yang tepat adalah E.

pilihan jawaban yang tepat adalah E.undefined 



"We value our relationship with your company, and we regret the inconvenience.” artinya "Kami menghargai hubungan kami dengan perusahaan anda, dan kami sangat menyesal atas ketidaknyamanannya.". Hal ini menunjukkan bahwaMr. Dominic meminta maaf karena ia ingin menjaga hubungan baik dengan Aviacom Technology. Jadi, pilihan jawaban yang tepat adalah E.

"We value our relationship with your company, and we regret the inconvenience.” artinya "Kami menghargai hubungan kami dengan perusahaan anda, dan kami sangat menyesal atas ketidaknyamanannya.". 

Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa Mr. Dominic meminta maaf karena ia ingin menjaga hubungan baik dengan Aviacom Technology.

Jadi, pilihan jawaban yang tepat adalah E.undefined 

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Pertanyaan serupa

We can conclude from the text that Chessington World of Adventure ....



Jawaban terverifikasi


Jl. Dr. Saharjo No.161, Manggarai Selatan, Tebet, Kota Jakarta Selatan, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 12860

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