

The process of global warming and the destructive nature of wildfires have created a deadly cycle in which one constantly contributes to the other. Forest fires and global warming have created a dangerous relationship. The link between these two force has become clear in recent years. As the climate becomes warmer, forests will become drier, spawning the perfect environment for fires. In addition, as forest fires continue and gain intensity, the trees release more carbon into the atmosphere which contributes to the greenhouse effect and which therefore causes global warming. The increase in forest fires can now be seen as a factor which contributes to global warming. Trees, in the carbon cycle, are labeled a "sink" or a store for carbon. The ability of trees to store carbon dioxide has helped reduce the amount of CO2 that is pumped into the atmosphere. But, now that more trees are being burned through increased forest fires, this store carbon is being released and the CO2 becomes part of the greenhouse gases that drive the greenhouse effect. So we believe that extra fires intensity global warming. Furthermore, carbon is released in the decomposition of the trees after the fire. There is no doubt that global warming and forest fires are linked rising temperatures. Global warming is a process which has been occuring for years and whose effects have been more intensively felt by all of living creatures. Forest fires have also been recorded for years, but as mentioned they are a natural process. Therefore, it would be reasonable to attack global warming first. Much work has been done already to solve this problem. Some plans to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, such as Kyoto Protocol has been in place for years, but they have shown little results. Some experts who care about global warming say that the solutions must start at home. People, who suffer from immediate effect of global warming, must realize that most of their day to day activities contribute to climate charge. But, reducing what is called "carbon footprint" is not difficult. It can be as easy as changing travel methods, instead of driving to school or working everyday, biking or walking. Or it can be as easy as buying an energy efficient appliance or switching the lights off in rooms which are not being used. Leadership from ordinary people is what it will take to fight against global warming. People must educate each other on these harmful effects and make them known. But, this process will continue to damage forests around the world unless something is done to reduce the effects of global warming. The text mentions all of the following, EXCEPT ....

The process of global warming and the destructive nature of wildfires have created a deadly cycle in which one constantly contributes to the other. Forest fires and global warming have created a dangerous relationship. The link between these two force has become clear in recent years. As the climate becomes warmer, forests will become drier, spawning the perfect environment for fires. In addition, as forest fires continue and gain intensity, the trees release more carbon into the atmosphere which contributes to the greenhouse effect and which therefore causes global warming.

The increase in forest fires can now be seen as a factor which contributes to global warming. Trees, in the carbon cycle, are labeled a "sink" or a store for carbon. The ability of trees to store carbon dioxide has helped reduce the amount of CO2 that is pumped into the atmosphere. But, now that more trees are being burned through increased forest fires, this store carbon is being released and the CO2 becomes part of the greenhouse gases that drive the greenhouse effect. So we believe that extra fires intensity global warming. Furthermore, carbon is released in the decomposition of the trees after the fire. There is no doubt that global warming and forest fires are linked rising temperatures.

Global warming is a process which has been occuring for years and whose effects have been more intensively felt by all of living creatures. Forest fires have also been recorded for years, but as mentioned they are a natural process. Therefore, it would be reasonable to attack global warming first. Much work has been done already to solve this problem. Some plans to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, such as Kyoto Protocol has been in place for years, but they have shown little results.

Some experts who care about global warming say that the solutions must start at home. People, who suffer from immediate effect of global warming, must realize that most of their day to day activities contribute to climate charge. But, reducing what is called "carbon footprint" is not difficult. It can be as easy as changing travel methods, instead of driving to school or working everyday, biking or walking. Or it can be as easy as buying an energy efficient appliance or switching the lights off in rooms which are not being used.

Leadership from ordinary people is what it will take to fight against global warming. People must educate each other on these harmful effects and make them known. But, this process will continue to damage forests around the world unless something is done to reduce the effects of global warming.

The text mentions all of the following, EXCEPT ....

  1. The factors leading to world rising temperature

  2. The solutions against global warming

  3. The education about global warming

  4. The site of global warming

  5. The effects of forest fires

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A. Mufida

Master Teacher

Jawaban terverifikasi


Yang tidak disebutkan pada teks hanya jawaban D yang berarti tempat atau lokasi terjadinya pemanasan global, karena dampak dari fenomena ini dirasakan oleh orang-orang di seluruh dunia. Kalimat jawaban lain disebutkan pada teks, yaitu faktor-faktor pemicu naiknya suhu bumi (dari kebakaran hutan), solusi untuk mengatasinya sejalan dengan mengedukasi sesama mengenai efek dari pemanasan global, dan tentunya efek dari kebakaran hutan yang memicu fenomena ini.

Yang tidak disebutkan pada teks hanya jawaban D yang berarti tempat atau lokasi terjadinya pemanasan global, karena dampak dari fenomena ini dirasakan oleh orang-orang di seluruh dunia. Kalimat jawaban lain disebutkan pada teks, yaitu faktor-faktor pemicu naiknya suhu bumi (dari kebakaran hutan), solusi untuk mengatasinya sejalan dengan mengedukasi sesama mengenai efek dari pemanasan global, dan tentunya efek dari kebakaran hutan yang memicu fenomena ini.

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The process of global warming and the destructive nature of wildfires have created a deadly cycle in which one constantly contributes to the other. Forest fires and global warming have created a dange...



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