

The Near-Death Story of Mellen-Thomas Benedict In 1982, I died from terminal cancer. My condition was non-operable. I chose not to have chemotherapy. I was given six to eight months to live. Before this time, I had become increasingly despondent over the nuclear crisis, and so forth/ I came to believe that nature had made a mistake-that we were probably a cancerous organism on the planet. And that is what eventually killed me. Before my near-death experience, I tried all sort of alternative healing methods. None helped. SO I determined that this was between me and God. I had never really considered God. Neither was I into any kind of spirituality and alternative healing. I read various religiouns and philosophies. They gave hope that there was something on the other side. I had no medical insurance, so my life savings went overnight on tests. Unwilling to drag my family into this, I determined to handle this myself. I ended up in hospice care and was blessed with an angel for my hospice caretaker, whom I will call "Anne" She stayed with me through all that was to follow. Why did he choose to stay in a hospice care ?

The Near-Death Story of Mellen-Thomas Benedict

In 1982, I died from terminal cancer. My condition was non-operable. I chose not to have chemotherapy. I was given six to eight months to live. Before this time, I had become increasingly despondent over the nuclear crisis, and so forth/ I came to believe that nature had made a mistake-that we were probably a cancerous organism on the planet. And that is what eventually killed me.

Before my near-death experience, I tried all sort of alternative healing methods. None helped. SO I determined that this was between me and God. I had never really considered God. Neither was I into any kind of spirituality and alternative healing. I read various religiouns and philosophies. They gave hope that there was something on the other side.

I had no medical insurance, so my life savings went overnight on tests. Unwilling to drag my family into this, I determined to handle this myself. I ended up in hospice care and was blessed with an angel for my hospice caretaker, whom I will call "Anne" She stayed with me through all that was to follow.

Why did he choose to stay in a hospice care ?


  1. They will take care of his health problem





  2. He had to do the medical checks there

  3. Anne Asked him to stay there

  4. His family told him so

  5. He was broke


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D. Danti

Master Teacher

Jawaban terverifikasi


Berdasarkan kalimat “ I had no medical insurance, so my life savings went overnight on tests. Unwilling to drag my family into this, I determined to handle this myself ” yang terdapat pada paragraf ke-3, dapat diketahui bahwa penulis tidak memiliki asuransi medis sehingga tabungannya habis dalam waktu semalam hanya untuk tes dan karena ia tidak ingin merepotkan keluarganya, maka ia memutuskan untuk mengurus semuanya sendiri dan masuk ke hospice care atau rumah singgah terakhir bagi mereka yang akan meninggal dalam waktu dekat karena sakit parah sehingga pilihan jawaban (E) adalah yang paling tepat karena penulis mengalami kebangkrutan ( broke ).

Berdasarkan kalimat “I had no medical insurance, so my life savings went overnight on tests. Unwilling to drag my family into this, I determined to handle this myself” yang terdapat pada paragraf ke-3, dapat diketahui bahwa penulis tidak memiliki asuransi medis sehingga tabungannya habis dalam waktu semalam hanya untuk tes dan karena ia tidak ingin merepotkan keluarganya, maka ia memutuskan untuk mengurus semuanya sendiri dan masuk ke hospice care atau rumah singgah terakhir bagi mereka yang akan meninggal dalam waktu dekat karena sakit parah sehingga pilihan jawaban (E) adalah yang paling tepat karena penulis mengalami kebangkrutan (broke).

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Jl. Dr. Saharjo No.161, Manggarai Selatan, Tebet, Kota Jakarta Selatan, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 12860

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