


Read the following texts aloud. Complete the statements that follow.

Text 2

    One of the most famous dances from Indonesia is Saman dance from Aceh. It has been included by UNESCO in the 'List of Intangible Cultural Heritage in Need of Urgent Safeguarding'.

    Saman dance is performed by an odd number of people. Once, they were performed exclusively by men but today, women are also included in the mix. There is no musical accompaniment to the dance, but the dancers sing rhythmically. In its earlier performances, tribe leaders gave the players and audience useful advice before the performances. Nowadays, this dance is served as entertainment at parties, celebrations, and other events.

Adopted from: https:/ /~ndeindians com/tradit onal-indonesian-dance~-you-need-to-know 1 (March 21, 2020)

The musical accompaniment of the dance comes from ____.

The musical accompaniment of the dance comes from ____.


N. Puspita

Master Teacher

Jawaban terverifikasi


jawaban yang benar adalah " The musical accompaniment of the dance comes from the dancers. "

jawaban yang benar adalah "The musical accompaniment of the dance comes from the dancers."




Soal menanyakan kata yang tepat untuk melengkapi rumpang pada kalimat " The musical accompaniment of the dance comes from ____. " yang bermakna "Musik pengiring tarian berasal dari ____." Berdasarkan wacana, dapat disimpulkan bahwa "Musik pengiring tarian berasal dari para penarinya. " atau " The musical accompaniment of the dance comes from the dancers. " sebagaimana ditunjukan dalam kalimat " There is no musical accompaniment to the dance, but the dancers sing rhythmically. " Dengan demikian, jawaban yang benar adalah " The musical accompaniment of the dance comes from the dancers. "

Soal menanyakan kata yang tepat untuk melengkapi rumpang pada kalimat "The musical accompaniment of the dance comes from ____." yang bermakna "Musik pengiring tarian berasal dari ____."

Berdasarkan wacana, dapat disimpulkan bahwa "Musik pengiring tarian berasal dari para penarinya." atau "The musical accompaniment of the dance comes from the dancers." sebagaimana ditunjukan dalam kalimat "There is no musical accompaniment to the dance, but the dancers sing rhythmically."

Dengan demikian, jawaban yang benar adalah "The musical accompaniment of the dance comes from the dancers."

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Pertanyaan serupa

The rext is about a traditional dance from ____.



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