


    One day, a cat and a fox were having a conversation. The fox, who was a conceited creature, boasted how clever she was. "Why, I know at least a hundred tricks to get away from our mutual enemies, the dogs," she said.

    "I know only one trick to get away from dogs," said the cat. "You should teach me some of yours!".

    "Well, maybe someday, when I have the time, I may teach you a few of the simpler ones", replied the fox airily.

    Just then they heard the barking of a pack of dogs in the distance. The barking grew louder and louder - the dogs were coming in their direction! At once the cat ran to the nearest tree and climbed into its branches, well out of reach of any dog. "This is the trick I told you about, the only one I know", said the cat. "Which one of your hundred tricks are you going to use?".

    The fox sat silently under the tree, wondering which trick she should use. Before she could make up her mind, the dogs arrived. They fell upon the fox and tore her to pieces.

The main idea of paragraph four is...

The main idea of paragraph four is...

  1. Trick used by cat when the dogs came

  2. The cat climbed a branch of a tree

  3. The dogs came from the distance

  4. The fox had no trick at all


D. Entry

Master Teacher

Jawaban terverifikasi


jawaban yang paling tepatadalah A.

jawaban yang paling tepat adalah A.




Main idea atau "ide pokok" dari paragraf keempat bisa disimpulkan secara tersirat dari keseluruhan isi paragraf. Ringkasan dari paragraf empat adalah sebagai berikut: " The cat gets away from dogs by running to the nearest tree and climb into its branches ." Artinya, "kucing melarikan diri dari anjing-anjing dengan berlari ke pohon terdekat dan memanjat ke dahan-dahannya." Ringkasan ini dapat digambarkan dengan kalimat " Trick used by cat when the dogs came ". Jadi jawaban yang paling tepatadalah A.

Main idea atau "ide pokok" dari paragraf keempat bisa disimpulkan secara tersirat dari keseluruhan isi paragraf. Ringkasan dari paragraf empat adalah sebagai berikut:

"The cat gets away from dogs by running to the nearest tree and climb into its branches." Artinya, "kucing melarikan diri dari anjing-anjing dengan berlari ke pohon terdekat dan memanjat ke dahan-dahannya."

Ringkasan ini dapat digambarkan dengan kalimat "Trick used by cat when the dogs came".
Jadi jawaban yang paling tepat adalah A.

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Pertanyaan serupa

21.From the story, we can learn that ....



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