

The Jakarta-based Human Rights Working Group (HRWG) hopes the upcoming meeting between the Indonesian government and a United Nations committee on migrant workers will provide momentum for the country to revise its regulations on the protection of migrant workers’ rights. HRWG program manager Daniel Awigra said that the committee may push countries, including Indonesia, to ‘align their laws with universal standards, as cited in the International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families. “In our report submitted to the committee, we urge the committee to recommend that the government (heed) the convention in the revision of the 2004 Law on the Protection of Indonesian Migrant Workers,” Daniel said in a statement on Thursday. He added that the revision had been deliberated at the House of Representatives. The latest draft, however, still favored private recruitment agencies and lacked tight standards in the recruitment process, he said. The UN committee will hold a dialogue for the first time with Indonesia on September 4 to 6 in Geneva, Switzerland, regarding the government’s progress in implementing the multilateral convention on migrant worker protection. In April, Indonesia sent an initial report to the committee as a requirement for countries that have ratified the convention. (kuk/bbs) After reading the news, the readers most likely... .

The Jakarta-based Human Rights Working Group (HRWG) hopes the upcoming meeting between the Indonesian government and a United Nations committee on migrant workers will provide momentum for the country to revise its regulations on the protection of migrant workers’ rights.


HRWG program manager Daniel Awigra said that the committee may push countries, including Indonesia, to ‘align their laws with universal standards, as cited in the International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families.


“In our report submitted to the committee, we urge the committee to recommend that the government (heed) the convention in the revision of the 2004 Law on the Protection of Indonesian Migrant Workers,” Daniel said in a statement on Thursday.


He added that the revision had been deliberated at the House of Representatives. The latest draft, however, still favored private recruitment agencies and lacked tight standards in the recruitment process, he said.


The UN committee will hold a dialogue for the first time with Indonesia on September 4 to 6 in Geneva, Switzerland, regarding the government’s progress in implementing the multilateral convention on migrant worker protection. In April, Indonesia sent an initial report to the committee as a requirement for countries that have ratified the convention. (kuk/bbs)



After reading the news, the readers most likely... .

  1. will go to UN meeting on migrant workers.

  2. may be aspired to be a migrant worker.

  3. find a migrant work to motivate him to work.

  4. apply for any job opportunities available.

  5. support the government to revise laws on migrant workers.

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N. Supriyaningsih

Master Teacher

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setelah membaca hal tersebut, kemungkinan pembaca akan E. mendukung pemerintah merevisi undang-undang pekerja imigran.

setelah membaca hal tersebut, kemungkinan pembaca akan E. mendukung pemerintah merevisi undang-undang pekerja imigran.


Teks berita di atas berisi penjelasan mengenai perlunya pemerintah melakukan revisi undang-undang perlindungan buruh imigran. Jadi, setelah membaca hal tersebut, kemungkinan pembaca akan E. mendukung pemerintah merevisi undang-undang pekerja imigran.

Teks berita di atas berisi penjelasan mengenai perlunya pemerintah melakukan revisi undang-undang perlindungan buruh imigran. Jadi, setelah membaca hal tersebut, kemungkinan pembaca akan E. mendukung pemerintah merevisi undang-undang pekerja imigran.

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