

The following text is for questions 8 to 10. The Maleo, macrocephalon maleo , is a kind of bird. It has a medium-sized (approximately 55 cm long). It has a reddish – orange beak and rosy salmon under parts. The crown is ornamented with a black helmet casqued. The grayish blue feet have four long sharp claws, separated by a membranous web. The sexes are almost similar with a slightly smaller and duller female. The Maleo is usually found in the Sulawesi. It lives in the tropical lowland and hill forests, but it nests in the open sandy areas, volcanic soils or beaches. In this place their eggs are heated by the sun for incubation. The Maleo’s egg is large, about five timesthe domestic chicken’s eggs. The female lays and covers each egg in a deep hole in the sand and allows the incubation to take place through solar or volcanic heating. After the eggs hatch, the young birds work their way up through the sand and hide in the forest. When the young birds are able to fly and are totally independent, they must find food and defend themselves from predators such as lizards, pythons, wild pigs or cats. The Maleo is monogamous, and members of a pair stay close to each other all the time. Its diet consists mainly of fruits, seeds, ants, termites, beetles and other small invertebrates. Which one of the following statements uses behavioral verb?

The following text is for questions 8 to 10.

The Maleo, macrocephalon maleo, is a kind of bird. It has a medium-sized (approximately 55 cm long). It has a reddish – orange beak and rosy salmon under parts. The crown is ornamented with a black helmet casqued. The grayish blue feet have four long sharp claws, separated by a membranous web. The sexes are almost similar with a slightly smaller and duller female.

The Maleo is usually found in the Sulawesi. It lives in the tropical lowland and hill forests, but it nests in the open sandy areas, volcanic soils or beaches. In this place their eggs are heated by the sun for incubation. The Maleo’s egg is large, about five times the domestic chicken’s eggs. The female lays and covers each egg in a deep hole in the sand and allows the incubation to take place through solar or volcanic heating. After the eggs hatch, the young birds work their way up through the sand and hide in the forest. When the young birds are able to fly and are totally independent, they must find food and defend themselves from predators such as lizards, pythons, wild pigs or cats. The Maleo is monogamous, and members of a pair stay close to each other all the time. Its diet consists mainly of fruits, seeds, ants, termites, beetles and other small invertebrates.

Which one of the following statements uses behavioral verb?

  1. The grayish blue feet have four long sharp claws, separated by a membranous web.

  2. The female lays and covers each egg in a deep hole in the sand.

  3. The Maleo is monogamous, and members of a pair stay close to each other all the


  4. Its diet consists mainly of fruits, seeds, ants, termites, beetles and other small invertebrates.

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T. Tuawapat

Master Teacher

Jawaban terverifikasi


Behavioral verb adalah kata kerja yang merujuk pada tingkah laku subjek kalimat yang memperjelas ciri-ciri dan kebiasaan. Behavioral verb yang dapat ditemukan pada pernyataan yang tersedia pada opsi di atas adalah lays dan covers . Berdasarkan penjelasan tersebut, jawaban yang tepat untuk pertanyaan di atas adalah The female lays and covers each egg in a deep hole in the sand (B).

Behavioral verb adalah kata kerja yang merujuk pada tingkah laku subjek kalimat yang memperjelas ciri-ciri dan kebiasaan. Behavioral verb yang dapat ditemukan pada pernyataan yang tersedia pada opsi di atas adalah lays dan covers. Berdasarkan penjelasan tersebut, jawaban yang tepat untuk pertanyaan di atas adalah The female lays and covers each egg in a deep hole in the sand (B).

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