


The following text is for questions 40 to 43. Cambodia and Thailand Reconnected by Rail After 45 years A railway reconnecting Cambodia and Thailand was officially inaugurated on Monday, April 22 in a bid to slash travel times and boost trade between the South-east Asian neighbors. Cambodianpremier Hun Sen and his Thai counterpart Prayut Chan-O-Cha witnessed a signing ceremony at a Thai border post before riding together to the. Cambodian town of Poipet on a train donated by Thailand. The pair stepped from the carriage in Poipet with their clasped hands held high to the cheers of waiting crowds, waving flags of both countries. Hun Sen described their journey as "historic" and thanked Thailand for its efforts "to reconnect the railway between Cambodia and Thailand". The railway would also better link his country to other South-east Asian neighbors and boost economy and trade, he added. A bilateral trade between Thailand and Cambodia currently stands at US$6 billion. Cambodia last year re-opened the final stretch of a 370-kilometer railway running from the capital, Phnom Penh, to the Thai border. The Asian Development Bank bankrolled the reconstruction of the link to the tune of US$ 13 million. Much of Cambodia's railways-built by the French in colonial times-were damaged by the years of bitter conflict that engulfed the country during the Cold War era. The 48 kilometers sectin of track near Poipet was destroyed in 1973 while the rest of the track to Phnom Penh had been suspended for over a decade due to its poor condition. Cambodia has more than 600 kilometers of track extending from its northern border with Thailand to the southern coast. (Adopted from: https://www.thejakartapost.com/travel/201 9/04/23/cambodia-and-thailand-reconnected-by-rail-after-45-years.html (April 6, 2019)) What benefit will be obtained by the twocountries?

The following text is for questions 40 to 43.

Cambodia and Thailand Reconnected by Rail After 45 years

    A railway reconnecting Cambodia and Thailand was officially inaugurated on Monday, April 22 in a bid to slash travel times and boost trade between the South-east Asian neighbors.

    Cambodian premier Hun Sen and his Thai counterpart Prayut Chan-O-Cha witnessed a signing ceremony at a Thai border post before riding together to the. Cambodian town of Poipet on a train donated by Thailand.

    The pair stepped from the carriage in Poipet with their clasped hands held high to the cheers of waiting crowds, waving flags of both countries.

    Hun Sen described their journey as "historic" and thanked Thailand for its efforts "to reconnect the railway between Cambodia and Thailand".

     The railway would also better link his country to other South-east Asian neighbors and boost economy and trade, he added.

    A bilateral trade between Thailand and Cambodia currently stands at US$6 billion.

    Cambodia last year re-opened the final stretch of a 370-kilometer railway running from the capital, Phnom Penh, to the Thai border.

    The Asian Development Bank bankrolled the reconstruction of the link to the tune of US$ 13 million.

   Much of Cambodia's railways-built by the French in colonial times-were damaged by the years of bitter conflict that engulfed the country during the Cold War era.

    The 48 kilometers sectin of track near Poipet was destroyed in 1973 while the rest of the track to Phnom Penh had been suspended for over a decade due to its poor condition.

    Cambodia has more than 600 kilometers of track extending from its northern border with Thailand to the southern coast.

(Adopted from: https://www.thejakartapost.com/travel/201 9/04/23/cambodia-and-thailand-reconnected-by-rail-after-45-years.html (April 6, 2019))

What benefit will be obtained by the two countries? 

  1. Better business.undefined 

  2. Better education.undefined 

  3. Better construction.undefined  

  4. Better resources.undefined 

  5. Better administration.undefined 


N. Puspita

Master Teacher

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jawaban yang tepat adalah A.

jawaban yang tepat adalah A.undefined 




Arti dari kalimat pertanyaan soal di atas adalah "Manfaat apa yang akan diperoleh kedua negara?" Kita dapat menemukan jawaban untuk soal ini pada pada paragraf pertamayang berbunyi " A railway reconnecting Cambodia and Thailand was officially inaugurated on Monday, April 22 in a bid to slash travel times and boost trade between the South-east Asian neighbors ." Jika diterjemahkan kedalam Bahasa Indonesia, maka menjadi "Kereta api yang menghubungkan kembali Kamboja dan Thailand secara resmi diresmikan pada Senin, 22 April dalam upaya untuk memangkas waktu perjalanan dan meningkatkan perdagangan antara tetangga Asia Tenggara." Dengan demikian, jawaban yang tepat adalah A.

Arti dari kalimat pertanyaan soal di atas adalah "Manfaat apa yang akan diperoleh kedua negara?"

Kita dapat menemukan jawaban untuk soal ini pada pada paragraf pertama yang berbunyi "A railway reconnecting Cambodia and Thailand was officially inaugurated on Monday, April 22 in a bid to slash travel times and boost trade between the South-east Asian neighbors." Jika diterjemahkan ke dalam Bahasa Indonesia, maka menjadi "Kereta api yang menghubungkan kembali Kamboja dan Thailand secara resmi diresmikan pada Senin, 22 April dalam upaya untuk memangkas waktu perjalanan dan meningkatkan perdagangan antara tetangga Asia Tenggara."

Dengan demikian, jawaban yang tepat adalah A.undefined 

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