

The following question is based on the textbelow. How to Make Sandwich Do you think breakfast is important to start your day? If you want to make a simple and quick breakfast, here is the sandwich recipe! Ingredients: Two slices of bread Cheese Eggs/Nuggets/Sausages (optional) Lettuce leaves Tomatoes Mayonnaise Tomato Sauce Steps: Firstly, fry eggs/nuggets/sausages (optional). Secondly, place a slice of bread on a plate. Next, put the tomato sauce on the bread. Then, add tomato slices, cheese, fried eggs/nuggets/sausages, mayonnaise, and tomato sauce. After that, add lettuce leaves Then, put a slice of bread on top of it. Finally, serve it! The writer’s purpose of writing the text above is ….

The following question is based on the text below.

How to Make Sandwich

Do you think breakfast is important to start your day? If you want to make a simple and quick breakfast, here is the sandwich recipe!


  1. Two slices of bread
  2. Cheese
  3. Eggs/Nuggets/Sausages (optional)
  4. Lettuce leaves
  5. Tomatoes
  6. Mayonnaise
  7. Tomato Sauce space space


  1. Firstly, fry eggs/nuggets/sausages (optional).
  2. Secondly, place a slice of bread on a plate.
  3. Next, put the tomato sauce on the bread.
  4. Then, add tomato slices, cheese, fried eggs/nuggets/sausages, mayonnaise, and tomato sauce.
  5. After that, add lettuce leaves
  6. Then, put a slice of bread on top of it.
  7.  Finally, serve it! 

The writer’s purpose of writing the text above is ….undefined 

  1. to describe what sandwich isspace space 

  2. to explain the nutrition content in a sandwichspace space 

  3. to announce some benefits of having breakfastspace space 

  4. to tell the steps to make sandwichspace space 

  5. to persuade the readers to buy sandwich in the morningspace space 

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A. Mufida

Master Teacher

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pilihan jawaban yang tepat adalah D.

pilihan jawaban yang tepat adalah space 


Teks tersebut adalah Procedure Text . Tujuan dari penulisan jenis teks ini adalah untuk menjelaskan urutan mengenai bagaimana cara membuat, menggunakan atau mengoperasikan sesuatu. Jadi, pilihan jawaban yang tepat adalah D.

Teks tersebut adalah Procedure Text. Tujuan dari penulisan jenis teks ini adalah untuk menjelaskan urutan mengenai bagaimana cara membuat, menggunakan atau mengoperasikan sesuatu.

Jadi, pilihan jawaban yang tepat adalah space 

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